Dirk Fieldhouse wrote on 28/12/2020 6:10 am:
On 27/12/2020 13:16, Daniel wrote:

But I just want to get rid of the bar, so how do I achieve that, please?? I've looked through the Prefs and M & N Account Settings but can't find anything that seems appropriate.

I don't think this issue is OS-specific.

Logically you'd expect View>Show/Hide>Tabs Toolbar to do the job, but this seems to be a no-op.

The setting below, despite being under "Browser", affects both Navigator and Communicator windows, so that the tab bar is not shown when there is only one tab pane:

Edit>Preferences>Browser>Tabbed Browsing "Hide the tab bar when only one tab is open"

If you never want the mail tab bar to be shown, or you want it to be disabled independently of the browser tab bar, you can apply a user style like this:

@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul);

@-moz-document url-prefix('chrome://') {

.tabmail-tabs {display: none;}


The StyleM extension makes it easy to do this.


Thank you, Dirk, your logic seems infallible!

I guess this means an addition to my UserChrome.js file, that addition being everything from your "@namespace" to your "display: none;)" right??

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