On 12/29/2020 7:17 AM, DoctorBill wrote:
> .
> .
> OK..."Clear private data" in the TOOLS menu - clears your private data.
> Had to say that for the wise guys who I know will come back with that....
> Now - What specifically does that clear (ctrl-shft-del) do ?
> Is it dangerous to do - can I lose important stuff, change my setup by
> using it.
> I have Pref-Bar and do the Clear location - cache - history - DL - cookies
> buttons.     Does "Clear private data" do MORE than that ?
> I do that in the event some intruder gets on my Compuker when I leave 
> the house
> and he/she tries to get to my online banking or Tax files w/o passwords, 
> etc.
> I know that anyone with much compuker knowledge knows how to get there,
> but what I do may stop  your average break-in clodhopper.
> Paranoid, huh ?
> DoctorBill

Open your Preferences window [Edit > Preferences].  Select [Privacy &
Security > Private Data].  That is where you select what you mean by
private data.

David E. Ross

I just do not understand why so many people think
a sore loser makes a great President.
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