On 2021-02-01 04:07, rjkrjk wrote:
some websites I visit seem to indicate  Im suing some version of Adblock
and want me to update it, and allow me to continue

I check my Ad On Manger, there are no pgms installed

Some sites mistakenly interpret various forms of tracking protection as ad blocking. Have a look at your privacy and cookie settings to see if you have any privacy measures set up that might be triggering these warnings.

Having said that, you may not be able to find a collection of settings that provides you with what you feel to be an acceptable level of privacy protection and yet is compatible with some of these sites. You may have to set up a couple of browser profiles - one for general browsing, with privacy settings enabled, and another one with no privacy settings enabled so that you can browse these sites that have aggressive anti-adblocking measures in place.

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