On 2/5/21 11:18 PM, Daniel wrote:
mozilla-lists.mbou...@spamgourmet.com wrote on 6/2/21 6:52 am:
Daniel wrote:
Don Spam's Reckless Son wrote on 4/2/21 10:05 pm:
Daniel wrote:
Today I (finally) updated from SM 2.49.1 to SM 2.53.6 on Linux, as shown in my sig file.

On my Win7 installation (updated from SM 2.49.5), after the update, I had Lightning starting at SM bootup, but not in Linux which I have updated, today, from SM 2.49.1 .... yes 2.49.1.

Now I seem to recall that in SM 2.49.1, Lightning wasn't "inbuilt" but by 2.49.5, it was.

So, when I updated my *Win7* SM from 2.49.5, Lightning worked/works, but in Linux (now 2.53.6), checking the Add-ons Manager, Lightning is there but I only have the option to "Remove" because "Lightning is incompatible with SeaMonkey 2.53.6"

How can I get my Lightning up and running??

(Note: when I say I've updated SM, I mean I have installed Linux SM 2.53.6 in parallel (new location) with SM 2.49.1, but using the same profile!)

 From https://www.seamonkey-project.org/releases/seamonkey2.53.6/ section "Known Issues":
Lightning or one of the distributed extensions is not showing up or is disabled under Add-ons. If the extension is disabled and can not be enabled deinstall it. If it does not show up after restart do the following:

    Enter "about:config" in the location bar.
    Enter "extensions.installedDistroAddon" in the search field.
    Reset the key of the extension not showing up using the popup menu with the mouse. If in doubt just reset all keys, but this might bring back previously uninstalled distributed Add-ons.
    Restart SeaMonkey.

Thanks for this, Don.

When I entered "extensions.installedDistroAddon" in the search field, I had four keys listed ....

extensions.installeddistroaddon.debu...@mozilla.org;modified;true;boolean extensions.installeddistroaddon.inspec...@mozilla.org;modified;true;boolean extensions.installedDistroAddon.{59c81df5-4b7a-477b-912d-4e0fdf64e5f2};modified;true;true extensions.installedDistroAddon.{e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103};modified;true;true

So I reset the third and fourth keys and, when I restarted SeaMonkey, I had just the first two keys left .... and still no Lightning/Calendar!! ;-(

Should I try resetting the first two (even though they appear to be totally disconnected with Lightning/Calendar)??

Did you first uninstall any version of Lightning currently installed in your profile?  It might show up as disabled in the Add-ons manager, but still needs to be uninstalled so that the new bundled version can be installed.  I think once the bundled version has been installed by one version of SeaMonkey, it gets automatically updated in future, but not sure if that happens if you already have a version installed from before SeaMonkey started bundling it.  So uninstall any existing version of Lightning, then reset the pref (it looks like {e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103} is the one for Lightning), restart SeaMonkey and hopefully it will install automatically.

If that's still not working, the XPI file for the extension is installed along with SeaMonkey, so you might be able to install it into your profile from there.  From the add-ons manager, click the cog near the top-right corner, choose "Install Add-on From File" and select the XPI file.  On my Linux system, it's at /opt/seamonkey/distribution/extensions/e2fda1a4-762b-4020-b5ad-a41df1933103}.xpi, so I'd guess on Windows the path would be something like "C:\Program Files\SeaMonkey\..." or perhaps "C:\Program Files\Mozilla\SeaMonkey\...".

Lightning is quite closely tied to SeaMonkey, so you need compatible versions.  Aside from the other problems with sharing a single profile between multiple SeaMonkey versions, you may find that Lightning only works in one version, since you can only have one version of Lightning installed in that profile.  I think Lightning is also one of a few OS-specific extensions, so you might also find that it only works in whichever OS you installed Lightning for even if the versions are otherwise identical (I'm almost certain that at least used to be the case - not entirely sure whether it still is).

Thanks for that, Mark.

As I just replied to Don, I downloaded the xpi file from the Thunderbird Add-ons page and was going to install it later, but given your suggestion of the cog near the top-right corner, I just gave it a go .... and failed.

Maybe I'll have to look harder for the SeaMonkey Add-ons page (which I thought was hosted by Thunderbird) or, maybe, fed the Thunderbird extension through the SeaMonkey Extensions convert page.

Still sharing profiles?

I think that is your problem and you might want to try a new test profile on each platform.

OS: Fedora 33 Workstation - Gnome Desktop

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