On 17/02/2021 03:28, AK wrote:
When I post a question here, the box for "post your question" disappears when I 
hover my mouse over it.


It acts normally with Firefox.

Any idea what is causing it?

The button has this CSS background-color from its class s-btn__primary:

See <https://blog.logrocket.com/how-to-create-better-themes-with-css-variables-5a3744105c74/> for discussion of this syntax. These CSS variables are part of a site theme.

--theme-button-primary-background-color means --theme-primary-color, which is hsl(12.87958115,76.70682731%,48.82352941%) -- call it "brick";

On hover, the button gets its background-color from its class


--theme-button-primary-hover-background-color means --theme-primary-color-darken-5, the brick colour with 43.82352941% lightness.

--theme-primary-color-darken-5 is defined using calc(), like this

        hsl( h, s, calc(var(--theme-primary-color-l) - 5%)

but units inside calc() were not supported until FF57, and not in <color> context until FF59. In SM 2.53.6, FF52, etc, apparently colours specified with calc() default to white. SeaMonkey needs to acquire the Stylo CSS engine.

Notably the button text is styled white regardless of hovering, as the theme doesn't contain variables like --theme-button-text-color and --theme-button-text-hover-color.

Consequently the button seems to disappear on hovering.

This CSS can be injected to correct the display for the default site theme:

.s-btn__primary:hover,.s-btn__primary:focus,.s-btn__primary:active {

An extension like StyleM is good for this.

Why anyone would think it's worthwhile to create this CSS is a mystery. Affordance effects like button hovering ought to be consistent across not just the browser and all websites displayed in it but all other applications on the same GUI platform.


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