Ray Davison wrote:
NFN Smith wrote:

(even just one, because the names of profile folders are deliberately
Is "cryptic" supposed to hide them from somebody?

Not really. I don't fully get the reason for that, but in all Mozilla apps (Firefox, Thunderbird and Seamonkey), the profile manager will prepend a random 8 alphanumeric characters and a dot before the user-defined profile name, as the name of the folder.

With this particular context, that's why I advocate copying the entire Profiles folder and accompanying profiles.ini file, so that all the folder names are identical.

On the new machine, if you let the Profile Manger create a new profile (including a default when you start Seamonkey for the first time), even if you have only one Default profile, the folder names won't be identical, because of those first 8 characters.

At that point, you have to choose between one of:

- Copy the content of the old profile folder into the new profile folder
- Copy the new profile folder into the Seamonkey folder then edit profiles.ini, to make sure that the pointer resolves to the correct folder name.

If you copy the entire Seamonkey folder before you start Seamonkey for the first time, then the Profile Manager won't try to create a new default profile.

If you put them all together in a tree with your choice of names and location, you won't need to go looking for them.

And then a desktop shortcut to a batch file makes periodic backup trivial.

That works, although for me, I'm keyboard-centric enough that I don't have a problem with entering %APPDATA%\Mozilla\Seamonkey into an address bar.


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