Dave Hooper schrieb:
> > Neither can I (Win 98 and ME) that is really weird. But as
> > -cp/-classpath option does not work for all Java's we have to try to fix
> > it via the CLASSPATH variable.
> Well, as you know, that fix is already IN.

Yep, I know. One issue which remains seems to be that spaces in the
JavaExec path don't work with the CLASSPATH approach. We might need to
wrap it in ""'s. But I already said this in a previous mail.
> > :-) You are suspecting me of not using the latest code? :-)
> :-)  Stranger things have happened :-)   I take it the (shhh!)
> release uses MY freenet.exe and not your weird one?  :-)

Absolutely pure CVS code, even build in the CVS directory :). But as
David McNab already tested, even the -2 installer didn't work, so
hopefully it works with your updated Freenet.exe
> What I'm doing currently is getting freenet.exe fixed up straight.  Compiled
> without optimisations it seems to work ok with the 'crashing' version of
> config.dll.

> This gives us two options:
> 1 >   The new release *MUST* instead fall back to using the java
> configurator instead, for the moment (sorry).  Therefore the new installer
> must *DELETE* any traces of config.dll in the intended installation
> directory

That is what I thought as well. If it's crashing (and we lost the
updated source), let's fall back to the Java config. Your Freenet.exe
does it automatically if config.dll doesn't exist, so it is the easiest
thing in the world to do, right?

> 2 >   The new release uses the binary config.dll (the so-called "crashing"
> one) and we cross our fingers and hope it works with the new freenet.exe

> There is *NO* option 3 , "Use the existing config.dll", because it is too
> incomplete to be of much use.  Sorry.  So, personally, guess what, I'd go
> for option 1.

Absolutely agreed on, Sir! Java config for the next release. 

> > 4) After that release, the very next thing we do is fixing Javafind
> Yeh, that can wait.

Mmh, can't wait too long unfortunately. At least we have to fix up the
hang on no Java found, the reverting to the first found entry on search
done and the long expected improvement of the registry reading.


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