OK here's what I did.  I renamed .fproxyrc to .fproxyrc.bak.

The contents of my freenet.ini are:
[Freenet Node]

Should I be adding to the [Freenet Node] section, or is there a different

I try connecting to http://localhost:8083 but get page not found.

I exited freenet (via the icon in the tray) and restarted it after changing

Is there anything else I should do?

I respectfully suggest that default values should appear in the
configuration files, even if commented out, so that novices like me can
easily discover the settings.

Graham Perks.
SQL Explorer Developer
BMC Software, Inc       Austin, Texas, USA      
(512) 340-6203

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, May 31, 2001 2:01 PM
Subject: Support digest, Vol 1 #164 - 9 msgs

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Today's Topics:

   1. Re: Port 8081 already used by another applicati on (Mr.Bad)
   2. Re: Port 8081 already used by another applicati on (Mr.Bad)
   3. Fw: [freenet-devl] Freenet Winstaller - TEST RESULTS (Dave
   4. Re: Port 8081 already used by another application (Ruediger Kapitza)
   5. Re: error message during start freenet & Win release plan (Sebastian
   6. Re: (no subject) (Stephan Balmer)
   7. Re: (no subject) (Marco A. Calamari)
   8. RE: (no subject) (Yuan P Li)
   9. freenet is now working for me!! (Gordon Pvt Christopher S)


Message: 1
Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Port 8081 already used by another applicati
Organization: Pigdog Journal
Date: 30 May 2001 18:29:19 -0700

>>>>> "GW" == Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    GW> The serverAddress in .fproxyrc should match the listenPort in
    GW> .freenetrc.

Actually, you should get rid of your .fproxyrc, if it exists.

All configuration should go through:


And unless you're using another node as the server for FProxy, you
shouldn't ever have to set the serverAddress config.

I find it hard to believe that service.fproxy.port=[portno] doesn't

~Mr. Bad

 Mr. Bad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
                  "Cetere, Kartago estas detruenda."


Message: 2
To: "Perks, Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Port 8081 already used by another applicati
Organization: Pigdog Journal
Date: 30 May 2001 18:34:49 -0700

>>>>> "PG" == Perks, Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    PG> services.fproxy.port=8083

    PG> with no luck; I played around for example creating a
    PG> [services] section but still no joy.  Maybe tomorrow I'll hit
    PG> the right combination :-)

Did you restart the node software? It's only read once, at startup.

Also, if things still don't work, try setting


in your freenet.ini file. This should give you some big diagnostic
info at startup, which may tell you what's going wrong.

~Mr. Bad

P.S. The file formats are the same on Windows and other platforms.
P.P.S. The reason you didn't see 8081 in the freenet.ini file is that
it is the default.

 Mr. Bad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Pigdog Journal | http://pigdog.org/ 
                  "Cetere, Kartago estas detruenda."


Message: 3
Reply-To: "Dave Hooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From: "Dave Hooper" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 02:53:28 +0100
Organization: @spc
Subject: [freenet-support] Fw: [freenet-devl] Freenet Winstaller -

> > I am currently checking in fixes into CVS.  I will announce when they
> > ready
> 'Kay, done it.
> New freenet.exe is in CVSROOT/Contrib/wininstall/Freenet  as you'd expect.
> All source in the obvious place too (../wininstall/Sources/freenet.exe)
> To the best of my knowledge, this update fixes all current bugs and
> problems in freenet.exe



Message: 4
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 08:56:14 +0200 (CEST)
From: Ruediger Kapitza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Greg Wooledge <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Cc: "Perks, Graham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Subject: Re: [freenet-support] Port 8081 already used by another application

On Wed, 30 May 2001, Greg Wooledge wrote:

> Perks, Graham ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > BTW, is it reasonable for Freenet to be used as a team-private super
> > drive?  For example, have one Freenet system with disk space spread over
> > nodes, running on a particular port separate from the open-to-anyone
> > worldwide Freenet?
> I suppose you could do this, but you might need to disable the
> that goes to the inform server.  I'm not sure how best to do that.

I think that's all (freenet.ini or .freenetrc) :

# Should we read some information about other nodes from the informUrl?

# Should we write our address to the inform URL so that others might
# find out about us more easily?

and a valid file with your private nodes ..

# The name of a file containing an initial set of nodes to connect to



Message: 5
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 08:59:39 +0200
From: Sebastian =?iso-8859-1?Q?Sp=E4th?= <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: =?iso-8859-1?Q?Universit=E4t?= St. Gallen
To: Dave Hooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [freenet-support] Re: error message during start freenet & Win
release plan

Dave Hooper schrieb:
> > Neither can I (Win 98 and ME) that is really weird. But as
> > -cp/-classpath option does not work for all Java's we have to try to fix
> > it via the CLASSPATH variable.
> Well, as you know, that fix is already IN.

Yep, I know. One issue which remains seems to be that spaces in the
JavaExec path don't work with the CLASSPATH approach. We might need to
wrap it in ""'s. But I already said this in a previous mail.
> > :-) You are suspecting me of not using the latest code? :-)
> :-)  Stranger things have happened :-)   I take it the (shhh!)
> release uses MY freenet.exe and not your weird one?  :-)

Absolutely pure CVS code, even build in the CVS directory :). But as
David McNab already tested, even the -2 installer didn't work, so
hopefully it works with your updated Freenet.exe
> What I'm doing currently is getting freenet.exe fixed up straight.
> without optimisations it seems to work ok with the 'crashing' version of
> config.dll.

> This gives us two options:
> 1 >   The new release *MUST* instead fall back to using the java
> configurator instead, for the moment (sorry).  Therefore the new installer
> must *DELETE* any traces of config.dll in the intended installation
> directory

That is what I thought as well. If it's crashing (and we lost the
updated source), let's fall back to the Java config. Your Freenet.exe
does it automatically if config.dll doesn't exist, so it is the easiest
thing in the world to do, right?

> 2 >   The new release uses the binary config.dll (the so-called "crashing"
> one) and we cross our fingers and hope it works with the new freenet.exe

> There is *NO* option 3 , "Use the existing config.dll", because it is too
> incomplete to be of much use.  Sorry.  So, personally, guess what, I'd go
> for option 1.

Absolutely agreed on, Sir! Java config for the next release. 

> > 4) After that release, the very next thing we do is fixing Javafind
> Yeh, that can wait.

Mmh, can't wait too long unfortunately. At least we have to fix up the
hang on no Java found, the reverting to the first found entry on search
done and the long expected improvement of the registry reading.



Message: 6
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 09:47:58 +0200
From: Stephan Balmer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: right ma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [freenet-support] (no subject)

hmm, the way I understand your question is, that you want to access websites
which are blocked by the proxy you're using. 
Freenet doesn't provide access to websites, unless a website is
inserted(copied) in freenet you can't get it via freenet.
Besides, it might be difficult to get a freenet node running, since you seem
to be behind a proxy/firewall.

If you want access to freenet I'm shure someone(me too) could open fproxy
for you, just ask. This would give you a chance to mess with freenet.
BTW: anyone knows of public fproxy's? This would make sense for people that
can't run their own node.

I think you're looking for tools like
HTTPTunnel: "httptunnel creates a bidirectional virtual data connection
tunnelled in HTTP
requests. The HTTP requests can be sent via an HTTP proxy if so desired."
Multiproxy: "Unique personal proxy server, helps protect your privacy on
Internet and can speed up your downloads..."

After all, I'm interested to know what type of websites get blocked by the
communist party?

hope this helps you,

On Thu, 31 May 2001 02:03:27 right ma wrote:
> Would you tell me how to use your freenet to open the sites wich locked my

> the communist party?
> thanks
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Message: 7
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 10:43:59 +0200
From: "Marco A. Calamari" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [freenet-support] (no subject)

At 09.47 31/05/01 +0200, you wrote:
>hmm, the way I understand your question is, that you want to access 
>websites which are blocked by the proxy you're using.
>Freenet doesn't provide access to websites, unless a website is 
>inserted(copied) in freenet you can't get it via freenet.
>Besides, it might be difficult to get a freenet node running, since you 
>seem to be behind a proxy/firewall.
>If you want access to freenet I'm shure someone(me too) could open fproxy 
>for you, just ask. This would give you a chance to mess with freenet.

A public Freenet gateway is


HTH.   Marco

/ \

* Mac (Marco A. Calamari) [EMAIL PROTECTED]  www.marcoc.it      *
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Message: 8
From: "Yuan P Li" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [freenet-support] (no subject)
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 05:24:35 -0400

> After all, I'm interested to know what type of 
> websites get blocked by the communist party?

freenet.sourceforge.net, freenetproject.org, freenet-china.org
Voice of America (www.voa.gov), BBC (www.bbc.com), 
Radio Free Asia (www.rfa.org), Washington Post, 
New York Times, CNN, LA Times, etc
Falun Gong (falundafa.org, faluninfo.net, minghui.org ....)
And many many other news, political, human rights,
or religious websites.

China has completely blocked all newsgroups!!!

At one time, Caltech hosted a small website for "Falun Gong
Club in Cultech" on the same server that offers student
services. The Chinese communists block the entire caltech
webserver. So applicants in China were not able to 
complete the application until the matter was settled through
high deplomatic channels. And of course, the Club website
was moved out of the Cultech server.


They have a national firewall that filters email and http 
packets. If they discover certain key words (like freenet) used
they will examine where they are from, and automatically
block the source, and in many cases, persecute the requester.
In many Internet bars, they have software to discover that
if you trying to visit any banned website (even through
proxy), and set off a sound alarm. The software is
generally called Internet-110, where 110 is the phone number
for police there. The son of the Chinese President directly
oversees the Internet-110 project.

There are also a lot of government supported professional
hackers to hack the above sites. So I knew sooner or later
freenetproject.org will be hacked. 

See articles (from search of "great firewall of China")
China: The Great Firewall 
The Great Firewall of China (many different versions)

It is a hell there. And we need your help!



Message: 9
From: Gordon Pvt Christopher S <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 31 May 2001 07:56:40 -0400
Subject: [freenet-support] freenet is now working for me!!

well i deleted freenet and java completely off my system , and reinstalled
it and put it all in c:\ diretory and now working fine with no probs and i'm
also behing gov proxy and firewall!!!


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