I'm subscribed to this list as [EMAIL PROTECTED] I also use Hotmail
account [EMAIL PROTECTED] To check if unsubscribe works or not,
I've done the following:

Software: Windows 98SE, Internet Explorer 6, Outlook Express 6.

1. Went to http://hawk.freenetproject.org/mailman/listinfo/support/.
2. Entered e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED], password 12345678 (no, that's
not the password for Hotmail account ;-)).
3. Received e-mail from [EMAIL PROTECTED] with subject
"support -- confirmation of subscription -- request 792232"
4. Replied to this message, keeping subject line intact.
5. Received another message from [EMAIL PROTECTED], with
subject being "Welcome to the "support" mailing list".
6. Posted test message from this account to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
7. Received this message on both [EMAIL PROTECTED] and
8. Went to http://hawk.freenetproject.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/support,
entered [EMAIL PROTECTED], entered 12345678 in "Unsubscribing from
support - Passord" field, pressed "Unsubscribe" button.
9. Got "support Unsubscribe Results - You have been unsubscribed"
confirmation in browser.
10. Posted another test message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
11. Received this message on primary account, but not on Hotmail account.

Hope I hadn't missed anything important.

So, my conclusion is that unsubscribe function _does_ work, at least for
some list members. What I would've done is try to use different
browser/e-mail client. If this won't work, I'd try to subscribe/unsubscribe
from the same machine/software, but use a different e-mail address. If this
will work, then it is definitely a glitch in the mailing list software. This
does happen, unfortunately. Since you got no response from list admins, just
configure your client to ignore messages from this list - it's not _that_
difficult, and the traffic on the list is quite small.

BTW, this list is open to non-subscribers, so no wonder everyone can send
messages to it. AFAIU, this was a deliberate (though questionable) decision
on the part of the developers.

With best regards,
Victor Denisov, aka Larder Larder.

support mailing list

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