On Monday 14 October 2002 00:51, you wrote:
> >As for previous builds, I have no way to get as creative as you have,
> >Roger.  I don't have any previous builds.  Many people say that 511 works.
> > How would one go about getting a previous build?  I tried downloading
> >older builds from the snapshots page, but they just update themselves to
> >515.
> Try
> No guarantees the server will be available. Just put it somewhere and
> overwrite the existing freenet.jar with it (obviously renamed to
> "freenet.jar") if you want to try it. If you keep the original you can
> overwrite it again if it carelessly updates itself. Make it
> non-writeable be the relevant user!  I believe the developers want
> everyone to use 515, but I would be happier if just one person would
> volunteer to say it worked.

Yes, having a copy of the last working build seems to be a good resort in 
these interesting times.

With builds from 512-515 i have the following experiences:
With kaffe 1.0.7 on linux-2.4.19 and on linux-2.2.20, each on x86, it works 
But with "SunOS 5.8 Generic_108528-15 sun4u sparc SUNW,Ultra-4", and 
"Java HotSpot(TM) Server VM, JVM Version 1.4.1-b21", i get the following 
immediately after each request:
Network Error
Couldn't retrieve key: SSK@rBjVda8pC-Kq04jUurIAb8IzAGcPAgM/TFE//
Hops To Live: 15
Change Hops To Live [15 ] [Retry]

and it is _not_ bad connection, too few neighbour nodes, overload etc.,
the node works just fine for requestors and FCP.

mfg The Bishop

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