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Just curious, is anyone else getting a divide by zero error with fproxy
insertion at the end during splitfile metafile and redirect insertion?

I've been getting this since about build 495 or there abouts, sometimes
it does work. I'm running XP Pro ver 2002 with Sun Java Jre1.4.1. I put a clean 
instalation of JAva and freenet on another machine and get the same thing.

Also I did have J2re1.4.2 for awhile and got heisenbug creation and backed off to 
1.4.1, i note 1.4.2 is no longer available for download.

A few funy things, when i insert with freenet.client.main i cannot retrieve the key 
thru the gatway, and get a zzero length file, but if i select view source it follows 
the redirect and displays the key. Fcpget
and freenet.client.main get the key ok.

FCPtools work ok but are slow as all hell for some reason.

Fish 308 suddenly works again, but on retreval through the gateway
sometimes works but usually get the discussed array out of bound error
due to splitfile handling, but the split file meta looks ok, then i'm no expert. And 
again the splitfile retrieves ok with fcptools.

So with each build its always a different combination to get content in.
Sometimes fixing the meta data and redirect and inserting them raw but
i dont like doing that.

Is this just me or just par for the course?

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