>> >> simple.
>> >> 
>> >> when trying to download a fec from freenet:
>> >Is this a new node? It's possible that there is crud in your config file
>> >that is no longer valid for new builds.
>> yes, it is, in fact 517
>> am i missing some config lines? splease be so nice and prompt them into the support 
>ml :)
>Upgrade to the current snapshot (519). This is probably caused by not
>having a valid temporary directory, 519 makes one in the datastore.

alright, 519 is up
i d/l the tgz, stopped the node, extracted freenet.jer and ext.jar to the freenet 
directory, overwriting the old files
i did NOT touch the config file and despite i'm running windows (no new start of the 
installer) a splitfile upload actually
>>SUCCEEDED<< with the first file!
unable to believe this wonder, i tries again, with a different file and it gave me 
again a
UNEXPECTED EXCEPTION: java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
at freenet.Key.getTransmissionLength(Key.java:116)
at freenet.client.AbstractClientKey.getTotalLength(AbstractClientKey.java:238)
at freenet.client.AbstractClientKey.getTotalLength(AbstractClientKey.java:233)
at freenet.client.InternalClient$NewInternalPut.(InternalClient.java:519)
at freenet.client.InternalClient.getClient(InternalClient.java:41)
at freenet.client.http.InsertContext.doInsert(InsertContext.java:507)
at freenet.client.http.InsertContext.insertMetadata(InsertContext.java:588)
at freenet.client.http.InsertContext.run(InsertContext.java:610)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:536)
and the insert failed :[

so? do you have some config lines for me? :)

[plz go to end of file]

>> >> >>
>> >> 16.10.2002 22:58:16 (freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet, FThread-1): Error 
>sending data to browser: freenet.client.http.filter.FilterException: Unknown 
>> >> type <snip>/<snip>
>> >> Couldn't get decoder!
>> >> java.lang.NullPointerException
>> >>   at freenet.client.SplitFileDownloader.start(SplitFileDownloader.java:259)
>> >>   at 
>> >>   at 
>> >>   at 
>> >>   at freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet.handleContexts(FproxyServlet.java:378)
>> >>   at freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet.doGet(FproxyServlet.java:410)
>> >>   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:740)
>> >>   at freenet.client.http.FproxyServlet.service(FproxyServlet.java:310)
>> >>   at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:853)
>> >>   at freenet.interfaces.servlet.ServletContainer.handle(ServletContainer.java:62)
>> >>   at 
>> >>   at freenet.thread.FastThreadFactory$FThread.run(FastThreadFactory.java:89)
>> >> <<
>> >> 
>> >> when trying to upload a file >1mb to localhost (htl=0) to check if it works from 
>> >> >>
>> >> java.lang.ArithmeticException: / by zero
>> >>   at freenet.Key.getTransmissionLength(Key.java:116)
>> >>   at freenet.client.AbstractClientKey.getTotalLength(AbstractClientKey.java:238)
>> >>   at freenet.client.AbstractClientKey.getTotalLength(AbstractClientKey.java:233)
>> >>   at freenet.client.InternalClient$NewInternalPut.<init>(InternalClient.java:513)
>> >>   at freenet.client.InternalClient.getClient(InternalClient.java:41)
>> >>   at freenet.client.http.InsertContext.doInsert(InsertContext.java:507)
>> >>   at freenet.client.http.InsertContext.insertMetadata(InsertContext.java:588)
>> >>   at freenet.client.http.InsertContext.run(InsertContext.java:610)
>> >>   at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:536)
>> >> <<
>> >> 
>> >> you probably know that already, but how can these be made operational?
>> >> 
>> >> specs:
>> >> >>
>> >> Windows 98 [Version 4.10.2222]
>> >> 
>> >> java version "1.4.0_01"
>> >> Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.0_01-b03)
>> >> Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.0_01-b03, mixed mode)
>> >> (tested with 1.3.0, too, but no changes)
>> >> 
>> >> 256mb ram, gigs of hd
>> >> nearly fresh native store (i like this one ;)
>> >> 
>> >> installed via webinstall
>> >> <<
>> >> 
>> >> btw - the rabbit installed via the webinstaller does not properly start/stop 
>freenet, seems like he does not use the correct path or something

well, this has been reported by several people, i suppose.
does the wininstall- or "rabbit"-geek find the error? manual execution via "java -jar 
..." does work, but not via the tasktray icon :( i think it's a path problem

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