At 22:55 21.10.2002, you wrote:

> > Oct 19, 2002 6:51:22 PM (,
> > QThread-68): I/O error while moving data: CB_RECV_CONN_DIED
> >> Oct 19, 2002 6:51:22 PM (freenet.node.ds.FSDataStoreElement$KeyOutputStreamImpl,
> > QThread-68): Failing 5c6dcf67b380160bc8f12fa68f26bc70038d9e6a0f0203
> >> Oct 19, 2002 6:51:22 PM (freenet.node.ds.FSDataStoreElement$KeyOutputStreamImpl,
> > QThread-68): Wrote: 1191 of 3240 (or 3240)
> >> Oct 19, 2002 6:51:22 PM (freenet.node.states.request.ReceivingInsert,
> > QThread-77): Failed to receive insert with CB 0x83 (CB_RECV_CONN_DIED),
> > on chain e4e8dbeeca5789bc
> >This still happens? Is there a stacktrace?
> Thats an old message prob about 8 snapshots back or more.
> Havnt had a chance to try latest,,,13:28 snapshot yet.
Do you get an error message while inserting the metadata at the end of
an fproxy splitfile insert?
I've tried the latest snapshot. And, yes, the error is after:
"Data and check blocks inserted. inserting SplitFile metadata... "
(Fproxy hangs until it give up)

I could send you a debug-log about this if you are interested.

Der Vagabund

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