Just passing this case along, I've been testing runnning available
JVM's for Windoze XP and as far as i can tell all of Sun's 131 and up
work fine.

IBM's with the 523 current simply doesn't. It was fine until now.
It consistently gets Java io errors on node connect authentication.

here's the case with log in minor, wont run debug unless you make me

Oct 25, 2002 10:26:25 AM (freenet.fs.dir.NativeFSDirectory, main): starting with 
store_6231 (104857600000)
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:25 AM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading data store
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:25 AM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading routing table
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:33 AM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading temp bucket factory
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:33 AM (freenet.node.Main, main): loaded temp bucket factory
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:36 AM (freenet.node.Main, main): read seed nodes
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:36 AM (freenet.node.Main, main): Initial refs count: 1475
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:36 AM (freenet.node.Main, main): not seeding routing table
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:37 AM (freenet.node.Main, main): saved routing table
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:37 AM (freenet.node.Main, main): starting node
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:37 AM (freenet.node.Node, main): Freenet Node: 
3ef47b1644f061853fda5dbfec88d873a474aed9 (build 523)
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:38 AM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading service: mainport
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:38 AM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading service: nodestatus
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:38 AM (freenet.node.Main, main): loading service: console
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:39 AM (freenet.node.Node, main): Starting ticker..
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:39 AM (freenet.node.Node, main): Starting interfaces..
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:39 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Starting interface: Interface # tcp/6231
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:39 AM (freenet.interfaces.LocalInterface, Interface # tcp/8481): 
Starting interface: Interface # tcp/8481
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:39 AM (freenet.interfaces.LocalInterface, Interface # tcp/8888): 
Starting interface: Interface # tcp/8888
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:39 AM (freenet.interfaces.LocalInterface, Interface # tcp/8889): 
Starting interface: Interface # tcp/8889
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:39 AM (freenet.interfaces.LocalInterface, Interface # tcp/8000): 
Starting interface: Interface # tcp/8000
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:39 AM (freenet.node.Main, main): FEC Using: store_6231\temp
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:39 AM (freenet.node.states.maintenance.Checkpoint, QThread-10): 
Executing Checkpoint: Purge table of recently failed keys.
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:51 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:26:54 AM (freenet.node.states.maintenance.Checkpoint, QThread-9): 
Executing Checkpoint: Polling and aggregation of diagnostics.
Oct 25, 2002 10:27:00 AM (freenet.node.states.maintenance.Checkpoint, QThread-9): 
Executing Checkpoint: Polling and aggregation of diagnostics.
Oct 25, 2002 10:27:03 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:27:24 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:27:27 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:27:28 AM (freenet.interfaces.FreenetConnectionRunner, QThread-10): 
Inbound connection failed: freenet.ConnectFailedException: Against peer (null) @ 
tcp/ - authentication timed out (terminal)
Oct 25, 2002 10:27:34 AM (freenet.session.FnpLink, QThread-9): I/O error during 
inbound auth: java.io.EOFException
Oct 25, 2002 10:27:34 AM (freenet.interfaces.FreenetConnectionRunner, QThread-9): 
Inbound connection failed: freenet.ConnectFailedException: Against peer (null) @ 
tcp/ - I/O error during inbound auth: java.io.EOFException 
Oct 25, 2002 10:27:38 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:00 AM (freenet.node.states.maintenance.Checkpoint, QThread-10): 
Executing Checkpoint: Polling and aggregation of diagnostics.
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:01 AM (freenet.interfaces.FreenetConnectionRunner, QThread-7): 
Inbound connection failed: freenet.ConnectFailedException: Against peer (null) @ 
tcp/ - authentication timed out (terminal)
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:10 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:12 AM (freenet.interfaces.FreenetConnectionRunner, QThread-8): 
Inbound connection failed: freenet.ConnectFailedException: Against peer (null) @ 
tcp/ - authentication timed out (terminal)
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:21 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:27 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:27 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:29 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:30 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:34 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:35 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:41 AM (freenet.session.FnpLink, QThread-7): I/O error during 
inbound auth: java.io.EOFException
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:41 AM (freenet.interfaces.FreenetConnectionRunner, QThread-7): 
Inbound connection failed: freenet.ConnectFailedException: Against peer (null) @ 
tcp/ - I/O error during inbound auth: java.io.EOFException (terminal)
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:43 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:52 AM (freenet.interfaces.FreenetConnectionRunner, QThread-8): 
Inbound connection failed: freenet.ConnectFailedException: Against peer (null) @ 
tcp/ - authentication timed out (terminal)
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:54 AM (freenet.interfaces.FreenetConnectionRunner, QThread-9): 
Inbound connection failed: freenet.ConnectFailedException: Against peer (null) @ 
tcp/ - authentication timed out (terminal)
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:56 AM (freenet.interfaces.PublicInterface, Interface # tcp/6231): 
Accepted connection: tcp connection: 
Oct 25, 2002 10:28:58 AM (freenet.session.FnpLink, QThread-6): I/O error during 
inbound auth: java.io.EOFException


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