While the current release (531) works great here cpuwise, I just 
noticed something extremely odd here in 
http://localhost:8888/servlet/nodeinfo/performance/general :

#  Active pooled jobs: 136     (113.333336%)     [Rejecting incoming 
connections and requests!]
# Available threads: 54

Now, I understand that it's rejecting requests to do other work, right? 
... ... It's not actually serving any data at all, although it has quite 
a few connections in iptraf.

I've been monitoring it for around six minutes and the load isn't going 
down very quickly, I only saw one job drop off the queue. Very little 
data is being sent or recieved, and the cpu use of the daemon is 
practically negligible. (load average is 0.00 actually. Oy.) Also as I 
watch it now, the daemon is only connected to 5 servers. It's hard to 
watch it through iptraf, but  it doesn't look to me like any of the 
servers are sending or recieving any data at all.

The server isn't even responding to local requests for information. 
Something seems very wrong.

Errors I've recieved recently (The last 24 hrs) in the logs:
Nov 6, 2002 1:57:49 AM 
(freenet.node.ds.FSDataStoreElement$KeyInputStreamImpl, Finalizer): 
Please close() me manually in finalizer: Key: 
683f38303336237daf9543e23b285c04e703751b100302 Buffer: 
freenet.fs.dir.NativeFSDirectory$ExternalNativeBuffer@7b4703 New: true ( 
0 of 65600 read)
java.lang.IllegalStateException: unclosed
        at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.invokeFinalizeMethod(Native Method)
        at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.runFinalizer(Finalizer.java:83)
        at java.lang.ref.Finalizer.access$100(Finalizer.java:14)
StateChain started at Wed Nov 06 01:48:20 EST 2002
Current state: Request Done @ f95052bb7196f417
Nov 6, 2002 4:53:24 AM (freenet.node.states.request.TransferReply, 
QThread-1538): Upstream node sent bad data!
Nov 6, 2002 4:53:24 AM (freenet.node.states.request.TransferReply, 
QThread-1537): Failed to send data with CB 0x81 (CB_BAD_DATA), on chain 

If you need any other information, please let me know.

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