
I CVSed the sources (nov18, 16:00gmt) and built them no problem (in about 10
 secs with jikes)

now when trying to run it get this queer exception I have never seen before.

>[nick@null freenet]$ java -cp lib/freenet.jar freenet.node.Main
>Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError: (class:
 freenet/fs/dir/NativeFSDirectory$NWalk, method: <init> signature:
Expecting to find object/array
 on stack
>        at freenet.fs.dir.NativeFSDirectory.<init>(NativeFSDirectory.java:398)
>        at freenet.node.Main.main(Main.java:469)
>[nick@null freenet]$

line 398 of NativeFSDirectory reads:
        NWalk w = new NWalk(root,true,true,paranoidListCheck);
and the NWalk inner class definition looks perfectly normal to me.

Now what am I doing wrong. It seems to be some problem with inner classes.. ?
 I tried different compilers, jikes 1.15, sun.javac 1.4.0-b92 and runtimes, sun
 1.4.1, sun 1.4.0b92, ibm 1.3.1. The prebuilt 617 jar I got runs fine in all of
 the jres. I think os-data is irrelevant. I must be doing something wrong at
 compile-time (I'm using the "make jar" way)

any help appreciated,

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