
I'm reposting an earlier reply to Matthew about an issue that I'm still puzzling 
over. I think Matthew may not have noticed my reply, and I think his original 
reply to my original post about dealing with asymmetric connections replicates a 
mistaken conclusion that I also made. If I'm off-track on all of this I apologize 
for wasting time, but I think there's a complication regarding the nature of ADSL 
that may lead to disappointing network performance. 

<snip edited for brevity & better clarity>

As I understand it, some requests arriving at my node are forwarded to other 
nodes, with the results being passed back through my node toward the original 
requester. If my inbound connecton is 2X, and my outbound connection is 1X, this 
means that data going _across_ my node can arrive at my node at twice the rate it 
can leave my node. If the results of data requests that cross my site can arrive 
at my site much faster than they can then leave on their way to their ultimate 
destination, it seems that I must _base_my_inbound_bandwidth_settings_strictly_on 

Put another way, the trouble with relaying and ADSL is that since packets 
requesting data are presumably smaller than the resulting data packets coming 
back, it seems easily possible that a node will happily accept and forward many 
more request packets than it's truly capable of dealing with. If the results of 
request packets are larger than the request packets themselves, constipation will 
always result if the inbound bandwidth settings are not arranged strictly on 
outbound connection speed.

Even more simply expressed, it seems to this ignorant user that if a node is 
capable of requesting data for relay far faster than it can actually pass it back 
through the network, chaos will surely be the result.

Based on the assumption that the total bulk of request packets is smaller than 
total data packet bulk, it seems that ADSL users may in fact have to set incoming 
bandwidth _smaller_ than outgoing bandwidth, counterintuitive though this may 

If all of this is true, maybe it would be a good idea to emphasize to ADSL node 
operators that they have to account for this in bandwidth settings. Further, is 
it possible to estimate based on data packet vs. request packet size some rough 
idea of what incoming vs outgoing bandwidth settings should be? 

"Americans generally do the right thing, after first exhausting all the available 
- Winston Churchill

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