Dear Sir,

This letter may come to you as surprise due to the fact that we have not met before, 
but only hope it will find you and your business in the best of interest.

Let me quickly introduce myself and the purpose of my contacting you.My name is Samuel 
Savimbi, son of the late rebel leader, Jonas Savimbi of the popular ANGOLA UNITA 
MOVEMENT.My father was killed on the 22nd of February,
2002 while my mother CATARINA was captured and currently in a hospital in Luena, 
capital of Moxico province inAngola and we the children are desperately looking for a 
trust worthy person to assist  us in this confidential business.

The abstract of the business, is that my father deposited huge sums of money realised 
from the sales of diamond and other precious stones   and metals in a security company 
off-shore and as a signatory to the deposit and financial
confidante of my father, I was   advised by my father's account officer to seek for a 
reliable and trustworthy person who can quietly secure the money amounting to  
US$28,500,000.00 (Twenty-eight million, five hundred thousand
dollars) since we have been restricted from travelling out of our immediate 
localities. My reason for seeking your assistance primarily, is that the Angolan 
government cannot trace the money to an  off-shore individual or corporate account 
especially when such person bear nither blood nor financial relationship with us.

After negotiations, I will give you a power of attorney, the personal identification 
number (pin), the particulars of the finance and security  company which is off-shore 
and our contact officer there to facilitate the clearance.

Angola at the moment is very tense and unstable but I am presently living somewhere in 
the Southern Africa Border with my family and  we have never experienced this 
financial difficulty presently facing us hence the need to secure the money through 
your assistance from  the security company with the information I will give to you as 
above and also with the assistance of my father's finance officer there, as we must 
secure what rightly belong to us with
respect to the social cause that my father stood and died for.

As for your compensation, we will have to negotiate in terms of percentage how much 
will accrue to you from the money deposited  (US$28,500,000.00) which will be released 
to you and with the help of our link man in the finance and security firm you can have 
the fund  deposited into any account of your choice that is convenient or safe
after your personal collection of the money.

Presently, we have applied for refugee status which may be granted in the on going 
peace process between UNITA and the Angola Government and you will be generously 
rewarded at the conclusion of the peace process
by investing on behalf of the family in DIAMOND and related businesses  in the  future 
if you assist us in securing  the money quietly.

Please,let me know immediately whether or not you are willing to assist us through my 
e-mail address and provide me also with your phone & fax numbers. I will  be the one 
to contact you for now for security reasons  here in my country.

Finally,I crave your indulgence to treat this correspondence confidentially in order 
not to compromise my family and myself.

Yours Sincerely

Samuel Savimbi

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