My node: build 534, running on Blackdown JRE 1.4.1. (Can't use Sun JRE,
it runs on Linux-Sparc). I don't think I have any nonstandard config
settings, except maximumTreads=30.

I haven't looked closely at my node for a few weeks (except my traffic
stats say it's still doing things)... and now I see that I can't
retreive anything anymore: always 'Route Not Found' with all contacted
nodes "totally unreachable". And I see my logs are full with the
following message (about 10 per minute)

Too many ongoing negotiations! (7/7)

After I raised maximumTrheads to 120, just to see what would happen, I
got no success, and:

Too many ongoing negotiations! (30/30)

Can anyone tell me what this message means, or point me to documentation
if it exists?

Question #2: I wanted to first upgrade my node to the latest build (541
according to _my_ node), but the latest version I find for downloading
is! Am I stupid? Where should I look for node upgrades (or are
'normal users' discouraged from keeping their node up-to-date and should
they wait until a

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