> >> is happy to run on build 552; it is slow because run on a
> >>  slow system; the memory profile and resource use of kaffe
> >>  is far better respect sun jre.
> >> Take care of this compatibility; IMHO is more important
> >>  then that the mean Freenet developer think.
> >
> >It crashes in minutes on my machine. The developers have been somewhat
> >nonresponsive, the bugs seem to be deep magick and the Project Leaders
> >have determined that we don't need to spend money making Kaffe work with
> >Freenet.
> This statement is very important; IMHO the Freenet Project 
>  need an explicit position on that question.
> Project Leaders, can we hear you ?
> Releasing the main code under GPL is ineffective, if the
>  .jar need proprietary software; in my understanding
>  the use of the GPL licence is incorrect; I think in
>  this case LGPL is the right type of licence.
> Anyway, till Freenet remains in java, dropping the Kaffe
>  compatibility IMHO is a fundamental mistake, both from
>  the point of view of free software and from the security.
> The only other way to solve this problem is IMU, to 
>  release a C (or other freely compilable/runnable language)
>  version

Totally agree with Marco: this shows my old sensation, Freenet is a good
project but not its developer group :-(

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