> I don't show any of those links on the web interface
> page. This may be the problem though....When I click
> on the "switch to advance mode" link in the upper left
> hand corner. It says that I am in transient mode and
> cannot switch to advances.

Hm - if you're in transient mode then that's why you're not getting incoming

> If you look in the option
> windo it show that I am not in trabnsient mode...and
> when you go to the for geeks only tab and check the
> boxt o change those setting on the first tab, it
> doesn't work the transientg mode and "running 24/7
> check bixes are alwqays grayed out.

You can't actually change the 'transient' mode setting - it's detected
automatically.  If your computer is behind a firewall then you're probably
transient.  Transient means that computers on the internet cannot connect to
your computer.  This is because your firewall is not letting them!
So to fix this you will need to make sure your firewall allows traffic to
your freenet port.  If you're not running a firewall, or firewall software,
or you're connected directly to the internet through a modem, or your
network or LAN doesn't have a firewall, or gateway, or NAT or anything like
that, then it should work.  Otherwise whatever is stopping freenet receiving
incoming connections will need to be reconfigured.  Obviously external
hardware devices like these cannot be reconfigured by the Freenet software!
You'll need to configure them yourself.

> I don't know. I've heard really great things about
> Freenet project, but I'm getting kinda skeptical.

It's great, honest

> I've let frenet runn for days and it still brings
> nothing up...it either looks for a page for ever or I
> get the error that I sent you earlier.
> it seems that ther are a hell of a lot of extra
> configureations just to gert this thing to work. Why
> doesn't it configure cortrectly from the installation?

For most people and system configurations, it does.  But you still didn't
tell me what's in your logfile.  I can't really do much to help fix this if
you don't do what I ask!


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