Because of the several months of problems with Freenets performance, the big index-sites – the most important of these being TFE - havent been updated for a long time. This is perfectly understandable since the maintainers probably arent able to insert these fairly large sites within a reasonable time, the way things are running (or not :-) at the moment. I fear however that we are “losing” a lot of new sites that are inserted into the net, because there is no real way of announcing them. Thus nobody knows that they are there.


I know this to be true in fact, since I’ve occasionally tried to request parts of TFE’s submission qeue and gotten several new and interresting freesites that unfortunately never got announced to the general public and therefore probably dropped out of the net in silence after a while. Of course the authors might re-insert them later when performance are better – then again, they might not.


It is fine that there is a lot of focus on the technical aspects of Freenet, since this is the key to getting things back up and running at a performance level that makes everything usefull again. But we should also take care of the content, because that is important too. When things are running smoothly again, content is what will get people “hooked” on Freenet and make it grow.  And while the slow speed and lack of reliability makes large sites unfeasable right now, it not difficult to insert and retrieve smaller sites.


My suggestion to the Freenet-list maintainers is, to make a “Freesite announce”-mailing list, where anybody can announce their free-sites, if they manage to insert it. It should be anonymous of course, and not archived. And only exist untill such a time when TFE and Yoyo are able to function properly again.


So what do you guys say? Would this be a threat to the anonymity of the posters?  Would it make the Freenet-list people liable for legal action if keys to freesites with illegal or copyright-infringing material was announced?





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