Toad schrieb:

On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 02:53:31AM +0100, Someone wrote:

I am getting some of these:

Unhandled exception java.lang.NullPointerException in job [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Does it provide a stack trace?

How to get one on Win2k? Would it help if I send you the log file?

Handling [EMAIL PROTECTED]@74ec80fb05ceb2cd,true@ 1074130489411:1074130487208:true:null:freenet.Message: DataRequest @null @ 74ec80fb05ceb2cd took more than 3000ms: 22365 at 1074130512628!

Overloaded node.

Well yes, my node is within the seednodes.ref and along with most of the others it gets totally overrun. Over 25000 queries per hour while it can do something near 6000 to 8000 queries.

and many (about 1 every 2 minutes) of these:

jobPartDone(116) on [EMAIL PROTECTED] MuxConnectionHandler[conn=[tcp/connection: CLOSED,[EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED], identity=[DSA(*removed*)], sock=[Socket[addr=/*removed*,port=*removed*,localport=*removed*]], chan=[java.nio.channels.SocketChannel[connected local=/*removed* remote=/*removed*]], peer=[Peer [DSA(*removed*) @ *removed* (1/3)]], outbound=[false]] but sendingPacket == null!

Eek. What build are you running?

5059 running for 2.5 hours now.

Got a really late DataReply. We really ought to cache it, on freenet.node.states.request.DataPending: key=*removed*, hopsToLive=11, id=e7420a33ba4e5243, routes@ sW๥[z!SڦtPy, ft@ sWڰ [EMAIL PROTECTED]"
b], orig=Peer
[DSA(*removed*) @ *removed* (1/3)], last=Peer [DSA(*removed*) @ *removed* (1/3)], routedTime=1074130107044, replyTime=-1, outwardSender@ sWใ03H>[EMAIL PROTECTED],true@ -1:1074130107044:false:null:freenet.Message: DataRequest @null @ e7420a33ba4e5243

That means your node is slow, or their node is slow, or something...

Most likely my node, the poor 300Mhz K6-2 isn't really a fast machine.

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