Got around to updating to 5061. Installer wart is as follows: when it 
reaches its own executable it pops up something I thought had gone 
the way of the dodo (and MS-DOS): "abort, retry, ignore". Abort is 
rather drastic, and retry can't possibly work, so you have to ignore. 
The installer should automatically skip itself.

This is easily worked around but could confuse some new users and 
shows lack of polish. Normally installer problems are automatically 
serious as the lack of polish is present from the user's first 
impression with the software, but in this case it only will occur the 
2nd and subsequent times the installer is run. :)

This therefore only rates a 1 on the 1 to 5 Sanjay-Tarantino scale of 
bug severity (bugs that bring down the host operating system rating a 
5, of course).

Or does it? If the installer itself needs updating there could be a 
problem. To make the installer updatable, the installer needs to 
"chain". The algorithm in widest use is for the installer to have two 
stages: the first fetches the second from a fixed location, then 
launches this and quits. The second installs everything else 
including a fresh version of the first if necessary. Since the first 
has quit, the second can overwrite it. When the first overwrites the 
second it succeeds since the second hasn't run yet. :)

On a related note, the installer seems unable to automate shutting 
down the node so it can overwrite with new files, even though it has 
no problem starting it back up again after. Requiring user 
intervention at this stage seems unnecessary and is another potential 
source of error that can easily be eliminated. Many web-updatable 
apps I've used take already-running instances in stride, and more 
than a few even update themselves automatically or with only a 
"there's a newer version available. Download and install? Yes, 
Cancel" dialog. My current operating system is one of them. :)
This doesn't really rate as a bug at all, but it is one more rough 
edge in the installer that can be smoothed over. (Again, it won't 
show up the very first time you run the web updater, so it doesn't 
give a bad first impression, reducing its already-cosmetic priority.)

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