
            I found a doc about freenet and have been these last days trying
to connect. The program installed without any problem. I installed the
version who comes with Java. After some minutes waiting the rabbit changed
to blue and connected well.

          The seed nodes are the default and the listening port is open and
mapped from the router to my computer. Iīm using another open/mapped port
for the proxy just in case ... ( Iīll close it in a future it it doesnīt

          The node is in transient mode.

           So, everything seems to go wonderful until it comes the time to
load the web-pages. :)

           I have been trying to load the Freedom Engine and it always says

                " The network is busy, please try again later.Retrying"

          Sometimes it has loaded a disclaimer ( a text advising about the
contents) but nothing else.

          I have been checking the log  and I have found this ...


           "Jan 19, 2004 6:02:17 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, ERROR):
Skipped bad NodeReference while reading seed nodes
freenet.node.BadReferenceException: NodeReference self signature check
at freenet.node.NodeReference.<init>(NodeReference.java:261)
at freenet.node.NodeReference.<init>(NodeReference.java:124)
at freenet.node.NodeReference.<init>(NodeReference.java:95)
at freenet.node.Main.readSeedNodes(Main.java:3183)
at freenet.node.Main.main(Main.java:1067)
Jan 19, 2004 6:03:38 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): read seed nodes
Jan 19, 2004 6:03:38 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): Initial refs
count: 176
Jan 19, 2004 6:03:38 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): not seeding
routing table
Jan 19, 2004 6:03:39 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): saved routing
Jan 19, 2004 6:03:39 PM (freenet.node.Main, main, NORMAL): starting node


            Does it seems that all the nodes are bad? Or only one of them?

           How can I now the number of connections?

           My computer has Windows 98 installed. Is it as bad? i.e. what is
the real difference in the number of connections?.
           Is it possible to make something with W-98 or should I desist
until I install another O/S ?

            Do you know if there is a good forum where I can dive for
answers? As I have seen it is not permitted to search in the archives of
this list. I donīt know why, because this way thereīs a lot of knowledge
that is being lost.



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