On 01-Feb-2004 Nikita Proskourine wrote:
> Oh, btw, I tried running FreeNet on FreeBSD (hehe) 
> and it worked very badly.

Sorry to hear that.  I'm running freenet under native jdk 1.4.2 on
FreeBSD-CURRENT here, and it's performing quite splendidly.

> There is no native binary package for Java 1.4 
> environment for FreeBSD, and one can only use a Linux 1.4 runtime (and 
> hope it works, and it doesn't work right, kept running out of memory and 
> bringing the whole freenet down) or build it over multiple stages using 
> source packaged and some Linux tools if you agree to various licenses 
> from Sun (the build takes several *days* on my machine).

True, the initial build of the java kit takes some time (due to the need to use
the Linux kit to bootstrap the build), but once you have a native kit up and
running, later upgrades are much easier.

> The latter 
> worked ok until I enabled the firewall in the kernel, at which point it 
> completely fell apart (could not locate my network interface, etc.)

I'm also using a firewall here (ipfw) and have experienced no such problems. 
Are you sure it wasn't a problem with your networking/firewall setup?

Conrad Sabatier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> - "In Unix veritas"
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