On Wed, Feb 04, 2004 at 01:02:45PM +0100, Daniele wrote:
> Hi!
> I've downoloaded freenet some days ago. I istalled it on two machines: 
> one is running Windows XP, the other is running Linux Mandrake 9.2.
> I've encountered some problems in both the installations.
> In Windows XP i've correctly installed freenet, and it seems to be 
> happily running. But there are 2 problems:
> First, the connection is tremendously slow. It is 2 days that it is 
> running without interruption. It is not adsorbing almost any quote of 
> bandwith. I can access only to the web interface and some indexes (some 
> Dolphin and other), but when i try to connect to some of these (and i've 
> tried almost anyone!!!) it says "Couldn't retrieve the key", "The 
> network is busy. Try again later please" (2 days!).

Are there any incoming connections? Go to the web interface, click on
Advanced mode if necessary, and click on Open Connections. If there are
no incoming connections after 2 days, something relatively obvious is

> Second, the "store" folder is only 1,5MB (started from 50-100k, i 
> think), while the assigned space is 1,4Gb!
> I've tried to update it, to download new seednodes, but nothing worked.

That supports the above theory.
> On linux, more problems:
> 1) I can't start freenet without su root.

Ouch, what happens?
> 2) When I start it, it says:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] dp]$ su root
> Password:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] dp]# sh ./playfree
> ./start-freenet.sh: line 1: head: command not found

Uhm, you don't have /usr/bin/head ?! Install it... or fix the path
problems preventing it from being used...

> Starting Freenet now: Done
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] dp]# There was an error determining this node's physical 
> address(es).
> Please make sure <ipAddress> and <listenPort> are correctly set.

Are you behind a firewall or NAT router? If so you will need to set
ipAddress e.g:
ipAddress=amphibian.dyndns.org (for example)

in your freenet.conf

> Note that you may put a host name in the <ipAddress> field if you have a 
> dynamic IP and are using a dynamic DNS service.ERROR: tcp/8481: Address 
> already in use
> freenet.ListenException: tcp/8481: Address already in use
>        at 
> freenet.transport.tcpNIOListener.startListener(tcpNIOListener.java:78)
>        at freenet.transport.tcpNIOListener.<init>(tcpNIOListener.java:59)
>        at 
> freenet.transport.tcpListeningAddress.getNIOListener(tcpListeningAddress.java:43)
>        at 
> freenet.interfaces.BaseLocalNIOInterface.getListener(BaseLocalNIOInterface.java:110)
>        at 
> freenet.interfaces.BaseLocalNIOInterface.<init>(BaseLocalNIOInterface.java:138)
>        at 
> freenet.interfaces.LocalNIOInterface.<init>(LocalNIOInterface.java:35)
>        at freenet.node.Main.startNode(Main.java:1759)
>        at freenet.node.Main.main(Main.java:1172)
> Could not bind to listening port(s) - maybe another node is running?
> Or, you might not have privileges to bind to a port < 1024.
> (NOTE: playfree is a program made to extend the path to Java 
> environment, to start freenet and to start frost (that works, but there 
> is no connection, it seems).
> code of playfree:
> #!/bin/sh
> cd /usr/SharedF/freenet
> #include java:
> PATH=/usr/java/j2re1.4.2_03/bin
> #include sys bin:
> PATH=$PATH:/bin                                        
> #Run freenet
> sh ./start-freenet.sh
> cd ./Frost
> # Run Frost
> sh ./frost.sh
> 3)I've seen in the windows version that there are many options to 
> configure. In the linux version i can't find them, and i can't find a 
> file that contains these options.

They are all in freenet.conf.
> I have updated the version of freenet using update.sh. It worked, but 
> freenet continue to say me the same things!!!

Something is seriously wrong but probably easy to fix.
> Thanks!!!
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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