On Sun, 15 Feb 2004, Paul Derbyshire wrote:

> On 15 Feb 2004 at 18:39, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > Die E-Mail, die Sie am Fri, 13 Feb 2004 21:14:02 -0500 an
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] gesendet haben, konnte nicht zugestellt
> werden, da die E-Mail Adresse [EMAIL PROTECTED] nicht
> existiert. Achten Sie auf die richtige Schreibung der E-Mail Adresse
> und versuchen Sie es erneut. Sollten Sie wieder diese E-Mail erhalten,
> vergewissern Sie sich, das der Empfänger (noch) ein Mitglied unseres
> E-Mail Dienstes ist.

It's an automatic reply, part of which says "that the email address
[EMAIL PROTECTED] doesn't exist".

> Could you please repeat that in English? I don't understand your
> followup to my post. (In fact, since you quoted not a word of it I
> could only infer it is a response to one of my posts by your having
> mailed me a copy.) I guess you thought I could speak what looks like
> German for some odd reason -- I'm afraid I must report that I don't
> speak a word of it, as a matter of fact; I haven't a clue what gave
> you the impression that I did, or why for that matter you'd reply off-
> language to an English-language mailing list. In any event the result
> is clear: your response has not been understood, and is unlikely to
> be by me or most of the others around here save by your repeating it
> in a language you know all of us understand. :)

Jim Dixon  [EMAIL PROTECTED]   tel +44 117 982 0786  mobile +44 797 373 7881
"Be liberal in what you accept,                                Jon Postel
and conservative in what you send."                               RFC 793
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