On Fri, Jan 30, 2004 at 09:28:27PM +1300, Phillip Hutchings wrote:
> On 29/01/2004, at 10:13 PM, Maximilian Mehnert wrote:
> >Am Mi, den 28.01.2004 schrieb Maximilian Mehnert um 15:28:
> >>>Having 400MB of RAM used by the node's java processes seems out of 
> >>>whack.
> >>>In fact that sounds insane. Which threadFactory is your configuration
> >>>file set to use? If you set it to use the YThreadFactory, do things
> >>>improve?
> >
> >Sorry. Being online for about 12 hours freenet again succeeded in
> >overloading an "acceptable" machine (1.5GHz, 512MB Ram), leaving it
> >doing nothing but swapping RAM.
> >
> >I think it's time to take a break. Perhaps I'll check back in a year 
> >;-)
> >
> >I'm still of the opinion that freenet will only spread if people are
> >able to run it on a small router or in background with no noticeable
> >impact on performance.
> I agree here. My router is a 1.53Ghz Athlon (XP1800+) with 512MB of 
> RAM. The CPU isn't taxed, but the memory is. Also, bandwidth is used 
> quite readily. I have a quota, and it'd be nice to be able to give 
> Freenet a maximum monthly allocation, and have it shut down after 
> that's passed the limit. 

Have you tried averageOutputBandwidthLimit etc?

> I have no problem donating 2-3GB/month of 
> traffic, but it takes 4-5 if I don't watch it, that's with a limit of 
> 2kb/sec both ways.


> It would be nice if anyone with a spare P266 box could fire up freenet 
> and just let it sit there.

> >If I had a second life I would help redoing the whole thing in ocaml or
> >something like that. But I have the miserable feeling that studying
> >medicine will keep me busy for the next years. :-( Ok, no more flame
> >wars ;-)
> If I knew the protocol, and knew enough about networking, I'd do a 
> Cocoa client. I have no problems with continually changing the 
> protocol, I'd just have to participate on the developer mailing list. 
> Unfortunately there's no easy place to start from. I guess that's what 
> you get with pre-release software.
> Another good idea would be a 'freenet browser', something like Gecko or 
> WebKit (for OS X) embedded in to a freenet thing, with privacy options 
> auto set.

Yikes. Please, keep the client separate. It can talk to the node via
FCP. A freenet specific browser might be nice though.
> --
> Phillip Hutchings
> http://www.sitharus.com/
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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