Le Wed, 7 Apr 2004 21:05:04 -0400, Pierre Abbat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a écrit :

> > I do not announce -at least for now- because I'm behind a firewall (wich i
> > opened the right TCP port (-; ) and my IP is dynamic and I don't know if my
> > DynDNS name would work (moreover, it did not changed anything when tried).
> By the right port, do you mean the one in freenet.conf?


> That's the port Freenet is expecting connections on; in the firewall you should 
> forward it to your node.

That's what I did.

> Freenet nodes run on lots of different ports, so if your node is on port 14159, it 
> may ask another node that's on 27182, and connect from port 26535 to port 27182. You 
> have to allow those connections as well.

So I should open and forward all these nodes too ?

> Run "tcpdump port 14159", and then just "tcpdump" (use "-n" to stop nameserver 
> lookups), and you'll see what's happening.

Nothing is happening :c(

Perhaps a Java problem ?

When I installed the debian package, apt-get choose "kaffe" for me.

It didn't worked at all. So I tried "Blackdown Java jre1.1" (not free and it's bad, I 
So I could get the HTML frontend but nothing happend except :
> 08-Apr-04 5:08:19 AM (freenet.OpenConnectionManager, PThread-119): Unknown exception 
> while connecting to: tcp/zeppox.ath.cx:5343
> java.lang.UnknownError: Connexion refuse
>       at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.doConnect(PlainSocketImpl.java:282)
>       at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connectToAddress(PlainSocketImpl.java:124)
>       at java.net.PlainSocketImpl.connect(PlainSocketImpl.java:111)
>       at java.net.Socket.<init>(Socket.java:221)
>       at java.net.Socket.<init>(Socket.java:109)
>       at freenet.transport.TCP$privSocketFactory.createSocket(TCP.java:49)
>       at freenet.transport.tcpConnection.<init>(tcpConnection.java:30)
>       at freenet.transport.tcpAddress.connect(tcpAddress.java:94)
>       at 
> freenet.OpenConnectionManager$ConnectionJob.run(OpenConnectionManager.java:387)
>       at freenet.thread.PThreadFactory$PThread.run(PThreadFactory.java:138)
It happened when I aborted a try but I can't reproduce it...

I tried "Blackdown Java j2re1.4" (vrms is complaining too)
No error but same problem.

I could try "sablevm" (Free), "gij-3.3" (GNU) or "jdk1.1" (IBM) too.

Now I downloaded j2re1.4.2 (Sun) and still nothing happens...
Here the log :
> 08-avr.-2004 17:53:10 (freenet.node.Main, main): loading node keys: 
> /var/lib/freenet-unstable/node
> 08-avr.-2004 17:53:11 (freenet.node.Main, main): starting filesystem
> 08-avr.-2004 17:53:13 (freenet.node.Main, main): loading data store
> 08-avr.-2004 17:53:13 (freenet.node.Main, main): loading routing table
> 08-avr.-2004 17:53:20 (freenet.node.Main, main): loading temp bucket factory
> 08-avr.-2004 17:53:26 (freenet.node.Main, main): starting node
> 08-avr.-2004 17:53:26 (freenet.node.Main, main): loading service: fproxy
And no "ticker" nor "interfaces" ?
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