Hi, my problem is the following:

Error: Route Not Found

Attempts were made to contact 1 nodes.

    * 0 were totally unreachable.
    * 0 restarted.
    * 1 cleanly rejected.

Every 2 or 3 tries he only contacts 0 nodes! Why is that? Did i configure
something wrong? Ive seen other DNFs(which should be ok) where they
contacted around 50 nodes. How can I raise the number of nodes to cantact?

Another thing I dont understand. If all seednodes are _very_ busy (as
mentioned on the webpage when getting RNF with 0 nodes) and cannot be
contacted and as a consequence i can only contact 1 node, if that is true
then this net is not able to grow anymore! All seednodes are rejecting
messages because of ratelimiting which by itself is caused by too many nodes
sending messages to them because they are the only available seednodes.  So
nobody who starts a new node has a good entry point. Infact every new node
would make it worse because he would send querys to the seednodes and they
would never be able to contribute to the network with fetched data.
Where is my mistake?

Alexander Lenhardt

NEU : GMX Internet.FreeDSL
Ab sofort DSL-Tarif ohne Grundgebühr: http://www.gmx.net/dsl

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