On Tue, 2004-06-01 at 14:28, tripolar wrote:
> Hello
> I have been using Gmane to search the freenet archives with no luck??
> httpnews.gmane.orggmane.network.freenet.support
> I have put in
> "java lang exception"
> "java.io.IOException: Too many open files"
> "java.io.IOException"
> without any hits.
> Any tips would be helpful
> Thanks

Look at the list of freenet lists.  Note that they aren't all spelled
the same on gmane as the actual mailing list name.  For example, the
devl list is spelled devel on gmane.


This search gives some information:



Here is what I wrote last fall on this subject:

On Fri, 2003-11-14 at 16:46, Richard A. Hecker wrote:
> > From: Brandon Low <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> ...<snip>...
> I saw the same thing yesterday on my 5032 node using Sun 1.4.2
> > 
> > Caught a java.io.IOException: Too many open files,
LSL.processConnections failing
> > java.io.IOException: Too many open files

When I got this (on Sun 1.4.1_02) I looked with lsof and found 1024 open
file descriptors.

On redhat 9 I put fs.file-max = 65536 in /etc/syscntrl.conf...

I found users still have ulimit -u showing max files 1024, and that
they can't increase it.

After googling a bit, I discovered two approaches (I fixed both)

1)  Change /etc/profile to add  ulimit -Hn 65536

2)  Create /etc/initscript as described in man initscript, including
    ulimit -Hn 65536

Using this approach, I also had to add ulimit -n 65536 to
start-freenet.sh, since I don't want to give every process
a huge default file descriptor limit.

-- Ed Huff

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