i suppose the heavy cpu usage arises because the node tries to contact all nodes it 
knows. this of course won't work as it is not connected to the internet. a solution 
would be to delete the routing table so it 
doesn't even know of other nodes and it cannot try to contact them which will result 
in a nice, fast booting and completely isolated local node for your tests:

- stop the freenet node
- cd into the freenet directory
- delete the files: ls* ngrt* rt* seednodes.ref
- start the node


if you want to re-integrate the node again download the seednodes.ref (or the .bz'ed 
version) from http://freenetprogect.org/snapshots/
dunno, but it might be necessary to delete ls* rt* ngrt* again for the node to reseed 
itself. then again maybe it will reseed automatically from the seednodes file if it 
has too few noderefs.

PS: why OS/2 runs so much smoother is still a miracle... could be because OS/2's 
network subroutines are better programmed than the ones in windoze or because the node 
bugs on OS/2 and does not try to 
connect the known nodes or some other reason

>I have two computers. An old stationary system which runs OS/2, and a
>new laptop which runs WinXP because NetBSD won't run on it (yet)). I
>only have a pay-per-minute dial-up line so I'm not running a permanent
>Anyhow... I have written a couple of fcp tools in Rexx and in C, and
>without having a freenet node it would be somewhat difficult to test
>them, so I start Freenet without any internet connection. On my OS/2
>system I get a few messages about my node being transient, and
>something about ipAddress - but it runs without any problems after
>If I try to launch the Freenet node on my XP system without an internet
>connection, the CPU usage bumps up to 100%, and the node seems VERY
>busy doing nothing. The air coming out of my laptop becomes very hot
>after a short while. The whole laptop becomes way to warm for comfort
>after a minute or two.
>So; how do start Freenet on my non-internet-connected Windows system
>without it eating up all my CPU resources?
>Using latest stable build on both systems.
>Kind regards,
>Jan M. Danielsson
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