On Mon, Jul 12, 2004 at 03:27:35AM +0200, Dynamo wrote:
> HI,
> I got a problem with freenet . I am sure I configured freenet correctly and
> forwarded the right ports I although createt an dyndns.org account only for
> freenet

Do you have incoming connections on ? If so, that's a
good sign that things are reasonably well set up. In any case, please
show me the top few lines. Mine says, at the moment:

Connections open (Inbound/Outbound/Limit)       63 (36/27/200)
Transfers active (Transmitting/Receiving)       14 (5/9)
Data waiting to be transferred  869 Bytes
Total amount of data transferred        430 MiB
> To get the node running well (ip in dydns.org database is up to date) !!!!!
> But when I try to open a site I got the message ".. Sure connected to the
> Internet.." or ".. Route not Found .." . And know I got this Error Message
> !! 

Generally not a good sign :(. Show me the above, and the top 10 lines of . Mine says:
Number of known routing nodes   399
Number of node references       389
Number of newbie nodes  14
Number of uncontactable nodes   20
Contacted and attempted to contact node references      388
Contacted node references       63
Contacted newbie node references        14
Connections with Successful Transfers   46
Backed off nodes        29

> Error: Route Not Found
> Attempts were made to contact 0 nodes.
> 0 were totally unreachable.
> 0 restarted.
> 0 cleanly rejected.

> There is NO Node !!!!
> Only if I increase the Hops to live there is one Node which has cleanly
> rejected my attempt !

Increasing the HTL is pretty irrelevant on RNFs with 0/0/0...
> The Network load is although very bad if I load a new Reference I got 42 %
> but after running the node for a while it is only 20 % then 15 %.

It should be about 100%, but it doesn't matter THAT much...
> What can I DO ?????? 
> Whats going on can anybody help me please ???
Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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