woah, that's weird.  afaicr, default==192 ....

> Since 5088 my Windows XP has been thrashing the disk like nothing I'd ever
> seen
> before. Memory load was high (440 Mb virtual on a 192 MB physical machine)
> but
> not  extremely unusual. According to Task Manager Java and Freenet weren't
> taking large amountas of memory.
> I put it down to being associated with general network issues.
> But with 5089 it was still a problem. My computer was virtually unusable
> and I
> don't think my node was performign well.
> I wasn't getting any error messages about out of memory (although
> periodically
> Windows would advise that my Virtual memory was too low and increase it).
> The
> node was working, but like the whole computer was very slow, and the disk
> was
> going all the time.
> In the file flaunch.ini (located in \program files\freenet ) I changed the
> line
> JavaMem=default
> to become:
> JavaMem=192
> Rebooted and restarted Freenet and now my node is working the best I've
> ever
> seen and the disk thrashing has stopped.
> I don't know if 192 is a good choice.
> I don't know why "default" became bad - too many node references?
> Crassoing some
> threshold? I did increase by datastore size a week earlier...or was it the
> BigInteger(?) optimisations introduced in 5088?
> I'm posting this in case anyone else finds it useful, and also so that if
> someone has a chance to think about what "default" means in flaunch.ini it
> sure
> wasn't a good choice for me.
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