How long has your node been up?
How many connections does it have?
Can you show me the top ~15 lines of the Routing Table page?

On Sat, Aug 14, 2004 at 09:22:23PM +0200, murex2001 (gmx) wrote:
> Hi, 
> My node is: 
> Node Version 0.5
> Protocol Version STABLE-1.50
> Build Number 5091
> CVS Revision
> It tells me the following: 
> Uptime:   0 days,   0 hours,   0 minutes 
> Current routingTime: 74ms. 
> Pooled threads running jobs: 54     (45%)   [Rejecting incoming connections
> and requests!] 
> Pooled threads which are idle: 38
> It's normal for the node to sometimes reject connections or requests for a
> limited period. If you're seeing rejections continuously the node is
> overloaded or something is wrong (i.e. a bug). Current estimated load for
> rate limiting: 233%. 
> Load due to thread limit = 45%
> Load due to routingTime = 7,4% = 74ms / 1000ms <= overloadLow (100%)
> Load due to messageSendTimeRequest = 233% = 1164ms / 500ms > overloadLow
> (100%)
> Load due to output bandwidth limiting = 24,7% because outputBytes(48516) <=
> limit (196608,003 ) = outLimitCutoff (0,8) * outputBandwidthLimit (4096) *
> 60
> Load due to expected inbound transfers: 0,1% because: 1521.1011179518912
> req/hr * 2.49252243270196E-4 (pTransfer) * 303496.0 bytes = 115066 bytes/hr
> expected from current requests, but maxInputBytes/minute = 2764800 (set
> input limit) * 60 * 1.1 = 182476800 bytes/hr target
> Load due to expected outbound transfers: 2% because: 696.8526904003362
> req/hr * 9.970089730807576E-4(2 0s, 0 1s, 2 total) (pTransfer) * 303496.0
> bytes = 210859 bytes/hr expected from current requests, but
> maxOutputBytes/minute = 172032 * 60 = 10321920 bytes/hr target
> Current estimated load for QueryRejecting: 45%.
> What can I do for better results. 
> The current performance is poor. 
> Thx in advance

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ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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