On Tue, 2004-08-31 at 09:29, René Keller wrote:
> we're trying to set up a performant Freenet-Server. We've downloaded 
> Build 5015 (0.5,1.46,5015) and set the "listenPort"-Parameter to 31575 - 
> a unblocked port. After Freenet is started we are able to access the web 
> interface, but there are no outgoing or incoming connections available.

That build is too old to interoperate with the current network. You need
to download the latest jar files. If you're on linux, you should stop
the node, run the update.sh script in your freenet directory and start
the node again. On windows, run the "Update Freenet" menu option.

> How to solve this problem?  Is there a diagnostic tool available, which 
> checks the server connection?

Freenet has no central servers. The seednodes.ref file contains a list
of currently known nodes which any new node can try to connect to. The
latest seednodes.ref can always be downloaded from :


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