On Wed, 2004-09-01 at 22:14, Heine Laursen wrote:

> I'm sure you are trying to do your best. But i'm growing tired of trying 
> to connect to freenet.

Do you leave your node running 24/7?

How big is your datastore?  (Huge datastore means your node gets a
reputation for being able to satisfy requests, hence other nodes will
want to connect to you).

Do you leave frost running?  (Running frost is a good way to get your
node integrated into the network, perhaps because your frost sends out
lots of requests for short files.  The short files get cached on your
node. Your node satisfies requests for them from other frost users
quickly.  Your node gets a good reputation).

> There have been only one build that worked for me was 5089
> Heres my routing table status!

How long since restart?  How long since reseeding?

> Needless to say, i can only get the stuff that's in my own store!
> This is build 5093
My values after about 7 hours on 5093 (and weeks since reseeding) are

> Number of known routing nodes         385 -- 398
> Number of node references     385 -- 398
> Number of newbie nodes        8 -- 41
> Number of uncontactable nodes         0
> Contacted and attempted to contact node references    385 -- 398
> Contacted node references     6 -- 69
> Contacted newbie node references      6 -- 40
> Connections with Successful Transfers         4 -- 30
> Backed off nodes      6 -- 37
> Connection Attempts   469 -- 3851
> Successful Connections        5 -- 82
> [...]

Here is my 5093 status after about 7 hours uptime:

   Connections open (Inbound/Outbound/Limit)                          
71 (49/22/200)
   Transfers active (Transmitting/Receiving)                          
15 (9/6)
   Data waiting to be transmitted/received                            
148 Bytes/None
   Amount of data transmitted/received over currently open connections
22 MiB/26 MiB
   Total amount of data transmitted/received                          
82 MiB/95 MiB
   Number of distinct nodes connected                                 

   Routing Table status: Sep 2, 2004 12:13:35 AM
   Number of known routing nodes                                     398
   Number of node references                                         398
   Number of newbie nodes                                            41
   Number of uncontactable nodes                                     0
   Contacted and attempted to contact node references                398
   Contacted node references                                         69
   Contacted newbie node references                                  40
   Connections with Successful Transfers                             30
   Backed off nodes                                                  37
   Connection Attempts                                              
   Successful Connections                                            82
   Lowest max estimated search time                                  0ms
   Lowest max estimated DNF time                                     0ms
   Lowest global search time estimate                               
   Highest global search time estimate                              
   Lowest global transfer rate estimate                              620
   Highest global transfer rate estimate                            
1,695 bytes/second
   Lowest one hop probability of DNF                                
   Highest one hop probability of DNF                               
   Lowest one hop probability of transfer failure                   
   Highest one hop probability of transfer failure                  
   Single hop probability of QueryRejected                          
   Single hop average time for QueryRejected                        
   Single hop probability of early timeout                          
   Single hop average time for early timeout                        
   Single hop probability of search timeout                         
   Single hop average time for search timeout                       
   Single hop overall probability of DNF given no timeout           
   Single hop overall probability of transfer failure given transfer
   Probability of transfer given incoming request                   
   Total number of requests that didn't QR                          
   Total number of reqests that timed out before a QR or Accepted   
   Implementation freenet.node.rt.NGRoutingTable


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