Robert Greenage schrieb:

I had not used freenet for awhile . I d/l ver. 5096. I have had it up for at least 24 hrs. on three separtae days with not one connection. I saw a message about getting a real OS. I'm using win 98se. prior to this I have never had a problem. Will freenet no longer work on win 98se?

It won't work very good with a win 9x/me. Actually it would be very wise to upgrade at least to 2k, not only because of freenet. Remember 9x isn't supported anymore, so there hasn't been enough security patches for a long time.

Did you do a fresh node install or did you just upgrade the freenet.jar.
If you did a fresh install be shure to check that the listen port can
be accessed from the outside, so check any type of firewall or nat you
are running. If you only upgraded the jar you may need to reseed your
node. In that case stop your node, go to
download the seednodes.ref file, copy it over the one in your freenet
directory and restart the node.

Make shure your are using one of the latest Sun JVMs, I personally would
suggest the new 5.0 (or 1.5.0), get it from:

Btw. don't write HTML mails, they are ugly and make you look stupid ;-)

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