Hi. You have installed Freenet, and you go to
(Web Interface), and the bookmark links don't work?

Several obvious things:

- Click Advanced mode
- Click on Open Connections, and send us the top few lines - how many
  open connections, inbound, outbound and total, how many transfers, and
  so on.
- You need to forward the listenPort on the router. This is the FNP
  port, not the FCP port (8481) or the web interface HTTP port (8888).
  The FNP port varies on each node to make it harder to block Freenet.
  However if you go to the Environment page and look for the
  "Transports" box, and the "Current IPv4 port", the port number is
  there. Forward that, so you can receive connections; this will make it
  a lot easier for freenet to integrate into the network
- Assuming it has some connections, let it run for a couple of days
  uninterrupted, and it should learn its way around the network and be
  able to find content. It will take some time for it to be a fully
  integrated node with optimal performance. You may want to try prodding
  it with Frost ( http://jtcfrost.sf.net/ ), a messaging (like usenet)
  and filesharing app that runs over Freenet.

On Sun, Jan 02, 2005 at 12:57:19PM +0000, Isaac Lockett wrote:
> Hey, sorry I?m completely new to this project, and I?ve found no way to
> connect to the network. Everything is set up, and I can open the web
> interface in a browser (Firefox) but none of the links work. Eventually I
> reach a page that says Route Not Found and it recommended me to contact this
> address. I am running freenet on Mac OS X, through the Unix terminal, and
> have a router with no firewall. Please reply soon, Isaac

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Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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