On Fri, Jan 07, 2005 at 05:05:34PM +0100, Anders Bruun Olsen wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 06, 2005 at 10:09:43PM -0600, Darren wrote:
> > Well, I cant answer that question, but you may be following a false
> > trail.   I'm essentially in the same boat, since I run gentoo under
> > amd64 and cannot get support for those libraries.   
> > My cpu usage is very low however (like 5%), so there may be some
> > tweaking you can do.
> > What JVM are you using?  I'm using 1.5.
> sun-jdk-
> Should 1.5 give better performance?
> > Also, if you go to advanced mode and environment in the web interface,
> > what information is shown for "Memory Allocation"?  How about "Thread
> > pool"?
> Memory Allocation
> Maximum memory the JVM will allocate    259,264 KiB
> Memory currently allocated by the JVM   259,264 KiB
> Memory in use                           166,105,920 Bytes
> Estimated memory used by logger         None
> Unused allocated memory                 99,378,440 Bytes
This very closely matches my numbers.

> Thread Pool
> Total pooled threads        50
> Available pooled threads    13
> Pooled threads in use       37
Your thread pool appears to be larger than mine as do your threads in
use, so clearly your node is doing more work. (I accept all defaults
related to thread behavior).  
Do you do any kind of outbound bandwidth limiting?  If not, it may help
a bit (uncomment %outputBandwidthLimit). Apart from keeping your outbound link 
from being saturated, it should help calm your node down a bit I would think.
> > Also, I want to add that I've had great success with NPTL...but I cant
> > say how well that will work with your platform/JVM.
> I have just tried switching to NPTL, but so far haven't gotten much
> change. Will have to see over the weekend if the effects surface.
That's strange, I noticed a difference right away.
gcc -v should return "Thread model: posix"
execting /lib/libc.so.6 returns "Native POSIX Threads Library by Ulrich Drepper 
et al"

> Anyways, it seemed that I hadn't gotten the newest freenet-ext.jar
> (thanks Mika).
> After fetching that I got this output when starting Freenet:
> INFO: Native CPUID library 
> 'freenet/support/CPUInformation/libjcpuid-x86-linux.so' loaded from resource
> INFO: Optimized native BigInteger library 
> 'net/i2p/util/libjbigi-linux-athlon.so' loaded from resource
> So those things should be in place now.
> But the Freenet java processes still almost cripple my CPU most of the
> time :-/
> -- 
> Anders
> Version: 3.12
> GCS/O d--@ s:+ a-- C++ UL+++$ P++ L+++ E- W+ N(+) o K? w O-- M- V
> PS+ PE@ Y+ PGP+ t 5 X R+ tv+ b++ DI+++ D+ G e- h !r y?
> ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------
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