Eric Gentemann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Thanks for the answer back, bob
> I sat and did an examination of my logs for my modem and firewall.  
> Basically it is an XP issue,  I don't lose connection on freenet but
> any http  or telnet traffic never leaves the modem because my provider
> times me out.  Funny though.  They don't time out the dynamic address
> but just the traffic.  Funky DHCP setup ?  Not that knowlegdeable
> about hard network issues myself but enough to be dangerrous.

Um, so freenet carries on working but everything else doesn't?? That's 
even weirder.
Actually have you considered that maybe the link has in fact gone down
altogether and you're just seeing content from your local datastore? 
Unless freenet routes over magic these days that makes more sense ;)

If you are running XP SP1 and your connection is WiFi there are known 
dropout issues :
Unless you have some good reason not to you should be on SP2 already of 

You could try reducing maxNodeConnections/not running Freenet at all and 
see if that helps,
if it does it's presumably some issue on your end e.g. crap or 
misconfigured router/modem. If not maybe it's an ISP side problem.

Looks like other SBC people may be experiencing similar issues :,7315506
"I cannot get my DSL connection through my router to stay up."
"Having a disconnect issue, mostly while gaming online, but does happen 
while browsing also."
"The system will periodically disconnect you even though you set the 
idle time parameters otherwise and try various ping programs in an 
effort to keep it online."

Then again maybe you could find reports like that for every big ISP :^/

If reducing maxNodeConnections doesn't help, and particularly if it 
happens in situations when freenet's not even running, my first guess 
would be something to do with your router configuration. If it's a 
'proper' networked router (as opposed to a USB modem only connected
to 1 PC) it probably has some sort of web interface on it that lets you 
set various stuff.
Having a PPP timeout set would explain disconnection. (On my generic 
Conexant/Linksys it's called "Disconnect Timeout" and is on the
"WAN" page.) If it's a USB single PC one, it probably comes with some 
diagnostic tool that may let you see/change stuff like that.

What router/modem/whatever are you using?

> I know that I'm not owned and have dealt with spyware issues aplenty. 
> I keep a good watch over logs, Because I do get portscaned a couple of
> time a day.  Funny thing is that after I got the node up and going I
> got probed even more.  Go fig.

Heh, maybe the friendly freeneters with you in their routing tables are 
bored :)

> Thanks again for that write back
> On 6/18/05, Bob <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Eric Gentemann <aec216 <at> ...> writes:
> > 
> > >
> > > I am a SBC DSL account.  I am not sure if it is Win XP or SBC but 
> > > seems my connection get timed out after about 2 hours.  Even with
> > > Freenet running it is still timing me out.  Is there an easy 
remedy to
> > > this?
> > >
> > > Thanks to any replies
> > 


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