> I'm running a node on a 512/128 ADSL connection with a 25GB per month limit. I
need to constrain the amount of
> traffic passing through the node (set at 1GB size)to not more than say 6GB of
outgoing traffic per month.
> Is it just a matter of setting the max and min in the settings file? Or can I
selectively shape with my router
> based on the port number(s) freenet uses?

It's probably best to do it via the OutputBandwidth / InputBandwidth
configuration settings. You could traffic shape via a router as you say, but it
would be difficult, and wouldn't feed into fred's load balancing calculations
like settting them does. You only know your own listenPort and other nodes in
your rt will have different random ones, bidirectional connections allow
(limited) upstream over outgoing connections only etc. It would presumably get
harder again with 0.7's use of UDP ... after all an eventual goal of Freenet is
to be hard to detect and filter.

The general concensus seems to be you only need to set OutputBandwidth to stop
freenet using too much, this is how I have/had my permanent node (down at the
moment due to hardware failure so maybe not so permanent :) configured and it
seems to work. If you have a strict cap it probably wouldn't hurt to set the
input limit as well though. In both cases set it to a bit less than what you
actually want to allocate because it tends to overrun slightly.

On a related point, given that setting appropriate bandwidth limits is widely
recommended for performance reasons / to avoid fred eating all your bandwidth, I
think that doing so in the winstaller (NodeConfig) should be significantly
easier and more obvious. Currently newbie users are expected to tab to the
"advanced" page without prompting, know what appropriate values for their
connection in bytes/sec are, and spin them into the appropriate controls. I may
have something concrete to submit on this over the weekend.
> What would other freenet users suggest, as I'm totally new to Freenet and have
limited knowledge of it's
> inner workings.
> thanks,
> Jeff


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