
It will not work because it is using gij. Even Kaffe will not run
Freenet 0.5 at present. Hopefully Freenet 0.7 will work with GCJ 4.1.
But not yet.

What exactly does it say if you set it to run the java command? It is
quite possible that you are invoking Kaffe or GIJ due to a symlink.

On Sat, Aug 27, 2005 at 12:43:42AM +0000, Dylan wrote:
> wanting to install freenet, but i can't seem to.. i can run the initial config
> script, and that works, but when it runs it produces the following errors.
> Please note I changed the script to run the command gij instead of java. the
> error is the same, but when I used the java command it also said it didn't
> understand the command line options and what ignoring them. I have CentOS 4.1
> which is basically redhat enterprise 4 latest, and Sun 1.4.2 is included as a
> package.
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] freenet]$ ./start-freenet.sh
> Detected freenet-ext.jar
> Detected freenet.jar
> Sun java detected.
> Sun Java 1.4.2 detected.
> Starting Freenet now: Command line: gij -Xmx128m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=128m
> freenet.node.Main
> Done
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] freenet]$ os.arch = i686
> Loading native...
> Attempting to load freenet/support/CPUInformation/libjcpuid-x86-linux.so
> Written to /tmp/jcpuidufujtqlib.tmp: 55692
> INFO: Native CPUID library
> 'freenet/support/CPUInformation/libjcpuid-x86-linux.so' loaded from resource
> INFO: Optimized native BigInteger library
> 'net/i2p/util/libjbigi-linux-athlon.so' loaded from resource
> Caught java.lang.Error: Not implemented
> java.lang.Error: Not implemented
>    at java.nio.channels.FileChannelImpl.tryLock(long, long, boolean)
> (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0)
>    at java.nio.channels.FileChannel.tryLock() (/usr/lib/libgcj.so.5.0.0)
>    at freenet.node.Node.init(freenet.config.Params) (Unknown Source)
>    at freenet.node.Main.main(java.lang.String[]) (Unknown Source)
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Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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