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In <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Matthew Toseland <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Sat, Sep 17, 2005 at 07:52:44PM +0200, Julien Cornuwel wrote:
>> Matthew Toseland a ?crit :
>> >On Sat, Sep 17, 2005 at 06:36:53PM +0200, Julien Cornuwel wrote:
>> >
>> >As far as the above goes, please read the responses to the other post.
>> I did. So you confirm my understanding ? 99% of current Freenet users
>> won't be able to join the darknet and will have to use opennet.
>In the short term, perhaps. In the West you won't need to have known
>somebody for 25 years in order to trust them enough to connect to their
>node; I would be happy to connect to a number of people I have never
>met, who I know online. There are a few parameters here:
>1. Are they an acquaintance, beyond random computer selection? We must
>not connect people randomly, because routing requires a small world
>2. Do you trust them enough for them to know for sure that you run a
>freenet node? It may be illegal in some places, in which case you will
>need to pick more carefully.
>3. Do you trust them not to launch attacks on you in order to break your
>anonymity? How difficult such attacks are depends on the design
>decisions we make in 0.7.0, and hopefully in future they will be more
>difficult, but you will always be most vulnerable to your immediate
>neighbours (just as you are most vulnerable to your real life friends in
>real life).
>> >>Suppose Freenet 0.7 becomes illegal in France (what it already is,
>> >>because of the AES 256 encryption).
>My understanding is that the french crypto regulations were abandoned
>some time ago.
>> >>The opennet won't be secure for us,
>> >>but we won't be able to join the darknet. What could we do ? Keep on
>> >>using 0.5 ?
>Make your own darknet. :)
>Then come to Bristol, take me out for a pizza, and I'll connect to your
>node ;). Seriously, there needs to be some sort of relationship for the
>small world properties to hold, but beyond that it's not such a big
>> >
>> >The opennet will probably be more secure than 0.5. But both are very
>> >easy to shut down, because they can be very easily harvested - all nodes
>> >can be found easily, meaning they can be blocked, attacked, etc.
>> That is why I'm searching a way for someone who is neither a member of
>> alpha-testers/Freenet-devs, nor a very organised terrorist/paedophile to
>> join the darknet.
>Surprisingly enough most paedophiles are disorganized. Just like most
>other people are disorganized.

I wouldnt know, I am not aware of knowing any paedophiles.

>> Do you think it would be possible for nodes in the darknet to see what
>> happens in the opennet ?
>> Maybe a special kind of nodes that acts as a gateway between the 2
>> networks : it wouldn't endanger the anonymity of thoses who are in the
>> darknet but it would give them the ability to see the newcommers and
>> eventually decide to invite them.
>*Any* node on the opennet is vulnerable to being found, blocked, seized
>etc. However there is no reason that content cannot be migrated from one
>to the other.

So we can expect opennet > darknet gateways to exist?

>> My opinion is that a resistance-network has to be closed tight when war
>> is on. But it needs to create itself before that. So if some people
>> could choose the become some "fuses" between open and dark, the darknet
>> would remain safe and be able to "recruit".
>It is IMHO strategically vital that we can test the network as a pure
>darknet. We will need an opennet as well, because we need to have
>something for people to download from freenetproject.org.
>> I'm affraid that if this fonctionnality isn't enabled in Freenet, people
>> will do it by other ways (internet forums, mailing-lists, weak encrypted
>> emails, etc.) which are way less secure than Freenet. Or worse, some
>> will decide to publish their keys and allow anyone to connect to the
>> darknet through them...
>In which case there will be weak segments of the darknet. That does not
>undermine the whole structure. The mainstreamers can still use the
>opennet. I expect there to be some cross-recruiting. But the intention
>is for the darknet to be separate from the opennet. People who happen to
>be on both can migrate content manually. They can also get to know
>people on the opennet, and perhaps add them later. I first met Ian after
>having worked for him for around a year; I have a friend in Australia who
>I've never met but I would be perfectly happy to connect my node to. But
>at this stage, I would happily connect to Newsbyte. Or CofE if I knew
>him, but I obviously wouldn't want him to breach his carefully guarded
>anonymity just for that. :)
>> -- 
>> http://www.freenet-fr.org
>Matthew J Toseland - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Freenet Project Official Codemonkey - http://freenetproject.org/
>ICTHUS - Nothing is impossible. Our Boss says so.

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