Mark Burford <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I just learned about freenet today and downloaded it. I can't access anything.
For intance, when I click on 'freedom', it says to change hops-to-live: 13,
which I did.

Unfortunately it's normal in freenet 0.5 for new nodes to have considerable
difficulty accessing content. Given time, ideally leaving your node up as close
to constantly as possible, it will integrate into the network and perform
better. You should see a noticeable improvement after a day or so.

> It then says to "reseed the node". I don't understand that.

To "reseed" means to download a new seednodes.ref, which contains addresses of
other nodes collected from the network. The easiest way to do this in windows is
to run "Update Snapshot" from the start menu or (iirc) by right-clicking the
systray bunny.

However, unless you only run your node occassionally - in which case you can't
expect it to perform well anyway - reseeding probably isn't neccessary.

> As a last resort it says to contact you.
0.5 has acknowledged problems, primarily less than optimal
specialisation/routing and the fact the network is open and therefore
harvestable (possible to build a list of who runs nodes). Development is
currently underway on 0.7 which is pretty much a rewrite, and hopefully will
make progress toward addressing these.


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