i'm confused as to what exactly your trying to do. when you open the gateway, 
you should see two percentages, load and outbound message overhead. generally 
speaking, you want these to be low. not necessarily as low as possible but you 
definitely do not want them reaching 100%. they are not targets. 100% or more 
load or 100% or more outbound message overhead is a bad thing. really the first 
thing to do would be to set up your Freenet. snce your from NZ using DSL, 
iguess you only have 128k upstream. s make sure you set your upstream bandwidth 
limit to perhaps no more then 13kbytes/s. if you're on a 256k downstream 
package, i also recommend you set you downstream bandwidth limit even if it 
isn't strictly necessary.

then i recommend you leave your node on for perhaps 6 hours. after this you 
should have a number of open connections, transfers etc. if you do not, there 
is a problem, come back here.

also be wary. the nature of freenet is that it is always transferring data in 
and out. if as with many nzers, you only have 10gb, your quota may quickly 
disappear if you're not careful, you might want to limit you upstream and 
downstream further (if you have a 2mbit connection, it's probably a good idea 
to limit it just in case). watch your quota carefully. if you want to use 
freenet efficiently, you should consider one of the ihug plans with a 'high' 
data allowance, perhaps the 40gb/40gb one.

good luck.

At 07:54 p.m. 18/12/2005, someone from nz  wrote:
>Hello Freenet Guru's,
>I've been trying for the last few weeks to get a Freenet node working in Win 
>Xp (SP 2), and although I'm not networking champion, I think
>I've done everything I should.  I've opened up the correct port in my ADSL 
>modem / Router / Firewall and yet I still can't get anywhere. 
>Even when I switch to Dial up, I still have the same trouble, which is, when I 
>open the Gateway it says Build 5106 and stops at 5%, unless I keep hitting 
>refresh in which I can get it go to 40% before the refresh refuses to have any 
>further effect
>I've got the DNS update service running (non static IP) and have put that in 
>the config file.
>I've changed the max number of connections, but have since forgotten what I 
>changed it to; it was to a recommendation I read somewhere on the Wiki.
>I've also tried to download the latest seednode info from 
>http://www.freenetproject.org/snapshots/ and also using the "update Snapshot" 
>program, which downloads the Jaw update fine but times-out every single 
>attempt on the seednode update part.  Any attempt to download the seednode 
>update always times-out.
>No thumbnail images load on the main gateway page either...if that makes 
>sense. I"m no expert so I'm really stuffed for anymore solutions. It doesn't 
>seem to be my router, as even when I use dial up, I still have exactly the 
>same results.  I could really use some help, as my problem is probably very 
>obvious to somebody with more networking knowledge than I currently have. I've 
>posted below all the details I think might be useful from the Gateway Page.
>Thanks heaps in advance to anybody who tries to help.
>Merry Xmas from NZ!
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