ok, at first I thought that I was just doing something stupid. Becuase when I open up the gateway, I try clicking on the freesite links so I can figure out what the heck this thing does, and I always get a page that says "

Network Error

Couldn't retrieve key:blah blah blah whatever buncha random numbers and letters
hops to live: 10"
Hoping that I could figure it out, I tried changing the hops to live up, hoping that would give it more time to figure out what it's doing, so 100, nope, 1000, nope, 999999, nope, so I tried lower, 1, nope. And I stopped trying that. I try putting in anything on the request data entry, and everything generates the same network error. I don't have any idea what to do with request data, so I didn't try that.

What really made me confused was when I tried to use frost, and it tells me that it can't connect to my node, and to make sure my internet was on and freenet was on "both were", so I tried to put in my ip address in the node address thingy, hoping that would do something, nope, same error on everything, I try putting in the 8081 port thing that freenet uses, nope, same thing.

What do I have to do? What does this software even do? I know it's a p2p program of sorts, but I have no idea where/how/what to find files on the internet. I'm not running behind a router, or any kind of proxy, becuase I don't want to make things even more complicated for myself. I'm pretty experienced with computers, so I'm hoping that I'm not just making a stupid mistake. I also disabled my firewall, that dosn't help either, and freenet never asks to use the internet anyway, which I would think it should, but like I said I have no idea.

If you guys have no clue what to do (I wouldn't blame you), can you at least give me something to try so I can put my feet on the ground? Becuase I'm drowning in confusion right now, and I really want to figure this thing out, thanks.

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