Juiceman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 2/6/06, Ashton Vaz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> >     I recently installed Freenet Build 5106 on a Windows XP SP2 machine
> > via the freenet installer.  After doing so, Freenet worked well with one
> > exception.  It is a resource hog - both in terms of memory as well as
> > processor time.  I found this puzzling as all other large Java
> > applications that I run - Sun J2EE RI, Jboss, Azureus, jEdit, etc. are
> > blazingly fast with the Java 1.5 JRE versus the Java 1.4 JRE.

Freenet 0.5x (current "stable") uses a LOT of threads, and has well known
performance issues. The current development version (pre-alpha 0.7) is mostly a
complete redesign, which there is reason to hope will ultimately perform better
in addition to allowing various important new bits of functionality.

Try increasing the maximum heap via the JavaMem line in Flaunch.ini to e.g.
"JavaMem=256" for 256 MB maximum, this should help somewhat. (Java's default gc
likes to wait till it has almost no heap left before it bothers to collect, at
which point it can thrash and do so very slowly.)

> >  I have
> > both installed on my system and was surprised (after looking at the
> > Environment page under localhost:8888) that the installer selected the
> > 1.4 JRE by default.  Why is that?  Shouldn't it prefer the 1.5 JRE by
> > default?

Not only should it, it's supposed to :(
Can you please post exactly what versions of 1.4 / 1.5 you have installed?

> > (...)  Of course, in the future this will have to be changed
> > to 1.6 first, then 1.5 & finally 1.4.

Hopefully the wininstaller can be dropped for the proposed amazing java thing
maintained in core by the time 1.6 is mainstream ;)

-- snip --
> >     2)  Is it possible to pass options to the JVM (e.g. AggressiveHeap,
> > DisableExplicitGC, server, etc.) via the system tray icon?  If so, how?
> > By default the 1.5 & 1.4 JREs don't use the -server option or other
> > beneficial options.  Hence Fred doesn't benefit from the aggressive
> > server profiling of the JVM.  A long running application like Fred would
> > definitely benefit from the -server option at least.

Good point, Fred does benefit from -server in my experience but at the cost of
more memory. At the moment I don't believe it's possible to directly pass
arguments to the windows launcher, a workaround would be to put the flags in the
default java control panel options but obviously they'd then apply to any
application using that JRE.


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