On Monday 24 March 2008 04:20, Zaid Sheikh wrote:
> Sir,
> I am a 2nd year Computer Science student.
> I have tried to run freenet multiple times but have not succeeded.
> This is probably because I am behind a proxy server ( I cannot access
> the internet directly).. I have tried a lot of solutions like
> Proxifier, etc but Freenet does not run.
> I am studying a course of distributed systems and I would like to know
> how Freenet works. I have got the source code but what's the use if I
> cannot even start Freenet. Please help.

There isn't much chance of getting Freenet to work if there is no internet 
connectivity at all, sorry. Future versions may improve on this through HTTP 
tunneling transports etc. Strictly you should be able to run it through 
SOCKS, but only if your SOCKS client and server allow you to send and receive 
UDP packets. Freenet does not directly support SOCKS, you'll have to find a 
wrapper program.
> Details:
> Windows XP SP2
> Am behinf a proxy server
> Error: my Freenet node never starts, always an error occurs ( I cannot
> even access the First-Time wizard).

Not being able to access the first-time wizard suggests you have other 
problems. Please could you post us the file called wrapper.log from the 
directory you installed Freenet into?
> Awaiting a quick reply,
> Zaid Sheikh
> India.

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